:: Sunday, June 5
why do u rock so hard?
:: thursday
i went to check out the new shopping centre at World Square with what appears to be the new crew =) its ppl who work near me .. finally.. yay..there wasnt much there.. but i guess it has potential. we went to eat at Pizza Hut all u can eat.. and boy, now i remember why i havent been there for so long =p the food was heaps average.. and some pizzas werent cooked all the way thru. meh.. at least the dessert was still good =)

:: friday.. hung out with work ppl for a while playing pool and the like. *yawn* its becoming a bit tiresome watching work ppl getting drunk and making fools of themselves. meh.. anyways afterwards i went to see the new Warren Miller movie: Impact. it was pretty awesomeness.. despite the mass of skiiers present =p i bumped into my cousin, ange tio, and donald there. hehe it does bring the snow ppl together =)

:: saturday
my new PS2->PC adaptor arrived whilst i was out.. yay =) grr.. it took me forever to get the drivers to work cos win2k is stupid. but once it was up, it all went smooth. ive been playing DTXMania.. which is like Stepmania.. but for drummania isntead of DDR. its really hard.. like really really hard. after a day i can still only clear the easiest ones, but i am getting better.. my left hand is deadweight.. i basically do it all with one stick. due to the suckiness of the bass pedal most forums ive read have said to put bass on auto.. which makes it heaps easier. i figure ill ease it back into the game whe i get better.

:: sunday
frisbee training.. yay.. it was uber-windy.. so we werent doing that great =p i was uber tired too.. *sigh*.. we ate later on at this place somewhere (i dont really know where i was). seems lots of ppl are moving into that area .. makes me slightly consider moving out yet again... *ponders the possibilities* .. but then i cant be bothered really =p

... um.. soo... anyways.. i dont understand females at all.. like not even a lil bit.. theres like this girl right... and she seems quite nice and pretty and such.. and she apparently "likes" me a lot. which would normally be pretty cool.. im feeling pretty meh about the possibility of again having a gf though. but i dont really know her that well.. and she has openly admitted that she finds me neither exciting nor interesting. wtf? i agree that im the most boring person that i know.. so why would u "like" a guy who is boring? *shrugs* i dunno.. she thinks im cute though.. which seems to be enuf for some... girls are at least as shallow as guys nowadays =p .. also she is quite young.. like what id consider out of my range..

.. but.. i do feel kinda bad.. she seems sweet.. and everyone else seems to like her.. i would hate to do something like this out of peer pressure though .. its funny how if a guy turns down a girl everyone is like "oh.. what a jerk to hurt her like that" .. but when a girl turns down a guy its like "oh.. what a loser for asking her out" =p .. i guess u cant win as a guy *sigh*

- ian, 10:29 pm ::

ahahaha the last bit is so true it's kindda hilarious. poor guys. well as long as she's isn't openly throwing herself at you i don't think anyone would mind if you turn her down, or maybe she's playing hard to get to hide her true feelings haha i dunno..some girls are weird, well gd luck with her then

from: -_-? (yep i'm the -_-? on ur tagboard lol)
oh hello ^^; .. thanks for stopping by ..
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