:: Saturday, June 18
if my eyes dont deceive me, theres something going on around here..
ok.. i think the blog fad is sorta dying.. no one i know really updates their blog any more.. and im down to about once a week..

:: monday
frisbee was awesome as always.. i met a guy on the field who i recognised from work.. hehe.. he seemed nice. we drew the first game suprisingly.. we probly deserved to lose by 10 again =p second game we won 10-6 (ish) .. i didnt play that fantastic.. i think was being a bit lazy on both ends.. but its ok cos we still won.

:: wed
basketball.. i play pretty crasp again.. i keep trying to double clutch layups when i should jsut pull up for the jump shot.. gah! this team was pretty good.. the were heaps better in posting up and rebounding.. but we had the lead for almsot all the first half, only to get blown away in the second half. i finally hit a field goal.. it was a 3.. grr.. i jsut want to liek create a shot and make it =p

:: the rest
um.. im sure some interesting things happened this week.. but i cant really think of what they were. probly not that great anyways.. since im rather boring..

lastly here is a flash thing ive been working on.. jsut click it (to set focus) .. then type what u think the character is, and hit enter.

- ian, 8:00 pm ::

Its fun game ian. You "ko" look so much like "ni" in katakana though. Cheers for a fun distraction for java
i post... ! kinda..
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