:: Tuesday, June 28
honesty is the best policy
yet another weekend consisting of minesweeper and solitare...

ive had complaints lately that im uncontactable.. mostly cos my phone is always dead.. or has no reception.. or jsut doesnt ring for some other reason.. but also cos everyone seems to email my work email address.. which i cant check from home.. and also tends to send everything to spam filter =p *shrugs* .. i dunno.. im usually on msn while im at home playing hexic =p

.. anyways.. on friday nite after work i was about to get off the train when i noticed that someone had left behind a laptop... wtf? how do u forget to take ur laptop with u? it was like big and heavy.. and very conspicuous. anyways i figure id pick it up.. cos im like one stop from the end of the line.. and i figure im more honest than most ppl hang around the end of the line =p

it turned out that the laptop was an office shared laptop from LendLease.. coincidently my sister happens to work there =) so i gave it to her to return. she apparently had quite a lot of trouble figuring out who to return it to.. cos no one seemed to have even noticed it was missing =p

.. anyways after all that.. i ended up with two $50 Myer gift vouchers courtesy of the Head of Shared Technology at Lend Lease, as a thank you gift =) yay me!!
everyone at work said i shoudlve jsut kept the laptop.. but theyre pretty sketchy sometimes =p .. but now i have no idea what to buy.. i still have a $60 Myer voucher from my bday 2 years ago which ive never used. so i have $160 in total.. gah. *shrugs* i dont really need stuff =p i dont care heaps for material possession..

.. also i got to visit my sister's space-age state-of-the-art office building. its awesomeness btw. its like all glass.. and they apparently dont have air conditioning so its heaps more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. they keep it cool via a system of water filled pipes which run like thru the roof and cool the place down. its totally cool. they also have all these cool chill-out areas.. and like a fully stocked kitchen.. well sorta.. it has all sorts of drinks and biscuits and cooking equipment =) its so nice in there hehe.

.. um.. thats all.. i played with my light up frisbee again tonite.. its so goodness ^^;

- ian, 11:31 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, June 25
what the hell are you waiting for?
yawn.. i tire of this..

frisbee: one draw, one loss
basketball: one loss
rest of my life: one big loss =p

.. at work this week i did some semantic mapping, use case diagrams, data flow diagrams and sequence diagrams.. hehe.. maybe those 4 years of uni werent all completely useless.

.. went to frisbee training with Mac Uni this week.. it was heaps goodness. ive never really been to training before.. and it was good to actually do something which wasnt jsut throwing practice. they were really nice peeps too ^^;

brrr.. its cold in here.. its been uber cold lately... *shivers*

- ian, 10:13 am :: 1 comments

:: Monday, June 20
happy birthday to me
last week i got a piece of mail from the lovely ppl at Krispy Kremes.. it was a a coupon for a free dozen glazed donuts for my birthday.. w00t! .. but hte puzzling thing is that my birthday is was like 6 months ago =p the envelope looked a lil scrunched up.. like maybe itd been caught in some gears at the mail room for.. oh say half a year or so =p hehe

mm.. we ate them all at work ... so sweet and horribly fattening.. =p

- ian, 3:24 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, June 18
if my eyes dont deceive me, theres something going on around here..
ok.. i think the blog fad is sorta dying.. no one i know really updates their blog any more.. and im down to about once a week..

:: monday
frisbee was awesome as always.. i met a guy on the field who i recognised from work.. hehe.. he seemed nice. we drew the first game suprisingly.. we probly deserved to lose by 10 again =p second game we won 10-6 (ish) .. i didnt play that fantastic.. i think was being a bit lazy on both ends.. but its ok cos we still won.

:: wed
basketball.. i play pretty crasp again.. i keep trying to double clutch layups when i should jsut pull up for the jump shot.. gah! this team was pretty good.. the were heaps better in posting up and rebounding.. but we had the lead for almsot all the first half, only to get blown away in the second half. i finally hit a field goal.. it was a 3.. grr.. i jsut want to liek create a shot and make it =p

:: the rest
um.. im sure some interesting things happened this week.. but i cant really think of what they were. probly not that great anyways.. since im rather boring..

lastly here is a flash thing ive been working on.. jsut click it (to set focus) .. then type what u think the character is, and hit enter.

- ian, 8:00 pm :: 2 comments

:: Sunday, June 12
you make me dizzy, running circles in my head
... one of these days ill chase you down....

gah.. no posts for ages.. actually.. meh.. ill catch up..
:: monday
frisbee!! yay.. we lost by heaps in both games.. *sigh*. i semi injured myself iin div4 and couldnt really play. some hamstring thing.. gah. but some div1 guy came and subbed for us =) .. it didnt help much =p

div3 was awesomeness =) we played at some place in marsfield.. it was really eerie out there.. it was like up on this raised field, but it had somehow accumulated a large amount of low-lying fog. we lost .. by heaps apparently.. but it was the most fun game ive had in ages... we played well, but they jsut played better, as opposed to div4.. where they playd bad.. but we jsut playd worse =p

:: wednesday
basketball =) yay.. we won! hrm.. i havent won a game for a while in any sport =p we won possibly the ugliest game ever. in 25 mins we won 13-5.. thats terrible. although a few of their points the ref sorta gave to them, cos he felt sorry for them. i scored 3 points, all free throws.. so i am still yet to register a field goal (although i had 2 in this game that were waived off. grr). we were playing against a team from ebay.com.au hehe, they had like uniforms and a cheer squad. but they were all n00bs. my old west-ryde team wouldve beaten them by 50 probly. our team isnt that bad.. i think we jsut need to play together more, like maybe some streetball, cos the ball movement is horrible.. and no one jacks up open shots, they jsut wait for contested fadeaways... cept me, i tend to go for the leaning left hand scoop shot with 4 defenders on me.. im about 0-8 so far =p

:: the other days
nothing really.. cept solitare, minesweeper and conqueronline. i started a second character in conquer, and i got him up to level 30 in the first day =) hehe. it took me at least a week to get my first character there. i am getting a bit bored of it though.. im considering moving to Guild Wars .. but i dont know anyone who plays, hence making my guild jsut me =p

.. i didnt go to frisbee practice today cos i had no trains.. also my knee is fsked.. it clunks like a rusted bicycle. ill still try and play on it though.. the pain is tolerable, and im itching to do something.

- ian, 9:22 pm :: 2 comments

:: Sunday, June 5
why do u rock so hard?
:: thursday
i went to check out the new shopping centre at World Square with what appears to be the new crew =) its ppl who work near me .. finally.. yay..there wasnt much there.. but i guess it has potential. we went to eat at Pizza Hut all u can eat.. and boy, now i remember why i havent been there for so long =p the food was heaps average.. and some pizzas werent cooked all the way thru. meh.. at least the dessert was still good =)

:: friday.. hung out with work ppl for a while playing pool and the like. *yawn* its becoming a bit tiresome watching work ppl getting drunk and making fools of themselves. meh.. anyways afterwards i went to see the new Warren Miller movie: Impact. it was pretty awesomeness.. despite the mass of skiiers present =p i bumped into my cousin, ange tio, and donald there. hehe it does bring the snow ppl together =)

:: saturday
my new PS2->PC adaptor arrived whilst i was out.. yay =) grr.. it took me forever to get the drivers to work cos win2k is stupid. but once it was up, it all went smooth. ive been playing DTXMania.. which is like Stepmania.. but for drummania isntead of DDR. its really hard.. like really really hard. after a day i can still only clear the easiest ones, but i am getting better.. my left hand is deadweight.. i basically do it all with one stick. due to the suckiness of the bass pedal most forums ive read have said to put bass on auto.. which makes it heaps easier. i figure ill ease it back into the game whe i get better.

:: sunday
frisbee training.. yay.. it was uber-windy.. so we werent doing that great =p i was uber tired too.. *sigh*.. we ate later on at this place somewhere (i dont really know where i was). seems lots of ppl are moving into that area .. makes me slightly consider moving out yet again... *ponders the possibilities* .. but then i cant be bothered really =p

... um.. soo... anyways.. i dont understand females at all.. like not even a lil bit.. theres like this girl right... and she seems quite nice and pretty and such.. and she apparently "likes" me a lot. which would normally be pretty cool.. im feeling pretty meh about the possibility of again having a gf though. but i dont really know her that well.. and she has openly admitted that she finds me neither exciting nor interesting. wtf? i agree that im the most boring person that i know.. so why would u "like" a guy who is boring? *shrugs* i dunno.. she thinks im cute though.. which seems to be enuf for some... girls are at least as shallow as guys nowadays =p .. also she is quite young.. like what id consider out of my range..

.. but.. i do feel kinda bad.. she seems sweet.. and everyone else seems to like her.. i would hate to do something like this out of peer pressure though .. its funny how if a guy turns down a girl everyone is like "oh.. what a jerk to hurt her like that" .. but when a girl turns down a guy its like "oh.. what a loser for asking her out" =p .. i guess u cant win as a guy *sigh*

- ian, 10:29 pm :: 2 comments

:: Wednesday, June 1
why does my heart feel so bad?
*sigh* .. feeling very flat and unimpressed lately. considering taking up something.. but not sure what jsut yet. possibly psychology.. either that or actuarial... hrm..

.. anyways.. today i played basketball.. im thinking maybe im not playing badly.. i jsut suck in general. i felt i played a bit better this game .. against a much better team. i scored less points.. but i think i rebounded and defended better than usual. meh.. i think i might wear all stars next week, i found i was slipping over a bit. i gotta work on offence.. i cant shoot at all ..

- ian, 9:59 pm :: 1 comments

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