:: Tuesday, April 5
you can call me Al
this morning we were talking to the girl who makes the coffee at cafeteria.. and apparently for the few months that she has been working there she has been calling me Bruce.. and ive apparently been responding to it. i spose im always half-asleep when i go in the morning to get a coffee, so havent really noticed =p

on a side note, she is pretty cute .. not that ive been looking =p

- ian, 2:39 pm ::

why AL?
why anonymous?

.. if i can call you betty,
then betty, when you call me,
you can call me al
but why, out of all the names in the world, did u choose AL?? why not jack or peter (nevermind, i'll stop pushing it, just a little curious)

...i'm anonymous cos you don't know me =oP

btw, i'm not betty >.< ...wells duh! but it's a close enough guess, cos i have an aunt named betty..lol
uh.. u still dont get it? =p you need to listen to more retro music.

its from a song by Paul Simon..
nah, i get it....most of the titles of your post are lyrics from songs anyways :P

ciao ^_^
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