:: Wednesday, April 20
all i know is im lost without you~
we had basketball yesterday and lost pretty badly.. we went skating beforehand so my legs were heaps lethargic, and it showed. i couldnt elevate on shots and therefore shot horribly (i think i was 1 from 7 shooting, also 0-2 free throws). i played ok i think, my throat still feels horrible, so i cant really do exercise.. i cant breathe.

skating is the most frustrating thing ever. argh!! i was trying to ollie up a gutter onto the footpath and it is driving me crazy... but i cant stop.. grr... i msut continue!!

on the way home i forgot i didnt have a train ticket, luckily Thornleigh stn doesnt have gates, but i spent the whole train ride looking up and down the carriages to see if there were any ticket inspectors. its sorta exhilarating.. in a lame-"ive never done anything as naughty as fare-evading"- kinda way =p

.. i went to see this finacial advisor today.. cos it was like a free first visit. and i think he is jsut trying to take my money.. cos he kinda tried to tell me that he could save me all this money.. but then darted around exactly how much he would charge me for it =p

.. tommolo we are going to visit Haleh (who is the girl from work who got hit by a car). and we decided to buy her an iPod-mini .. a pink one =) we discussed other options, but considering she is too immobile to turn pages or even sit up, we thought the ipod was a winner =) we each got allocated 800mb of her ipod to fill up with a customised playlist .. the ian playlist is comprised of 1 part jpop, 1 part chillout music .. and 1 part pop-rock. i hope she likes it =)

- ian, 9:24 pm ::

I hope you added anonymous gift to the poprock bit :D
i had 3 of their songs in there =)
Awesome. Which ones?
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