no basketball and no frisbee makes ian.. something the immortal bard Britney Spears once said: "when im not with you i lose my mind.. hit me baby one more time.." im suffering from serious sporting withdrawls atm.. basketball comp has totally gone out the window.. i havent played since i got back.. so thats like 7 weeks of no ball. and with jsut a week before the new comp of frisbee, im lagging on the end of a waiting lsit with my fingers crossed that someone will forget to pay their fees.
today i actually considered playing *gasp* soccer.. eep.. what in the world is going on? =p im possibly gonna start swimming after work.. i need to work on my technique for when i try surfing again. im heaps keen to go on a consistent basis.. swimming is phase, getting my license (so i can drive to the beach) is phase 2 =p