:: Thursday, March 31
no basketball and no frisbee makes ian.. something something..
as the immortal bard Britney Spears once said: "when im not with you i lose my mind.. hit me baby one more time.." im suffering from serious sporting withdrawls atm.. basketball comp has totally gone out the window.. i havent played since i got back.. so thats like 7 weeks of no ball. and with jsut a week before the new comp of frisbee, im lagging on the end of a waiting lsit with my fingers crossed that someone will forget to pay their fees.

today i actually considered playing *gasp* soccer.. eep.. what in the world is going on? =p im possibly gonna start swimming after work.. i need to work on my technique for when i try surfing again. im heaps keen to go on a consistent basis.. swimming is phase, getting my license (so i can drive to the beach) is phase 2 =p

- ian, 11:28 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, March 30
i had no idea what was going on with basketball.. but i knew going home was a bad idea. so i hung out with nathan after work for a bit, and then ended up jsut staying out. he had these frens who were from Denmark. they were cool.. we went out and ate at BBQ King. they were crazy about roast duck.. apparently chinese food is heaps sucky over in Denmark. =p

one of the danish girls worked at some restaurant in cockle bay for 2 months.. but had never been to harbourside or the casino or over pyrmont bridge =p so we took them on the tour around the place it was actualyl pretty fun.. its like being on holidays.. but not. it made me miss being on holidays though =p

anyways.. it was amusing at least. hehe

yawn.. blogger seems to be working at my house again =) its awfulyl late though.. so im off to bed. nite~~

- ian, 12:01 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, March 29
chenny fizzle televizzle
hrm.. i totally havent posted for a week.. blogging is becoming yawn... how come no one posts comments any more? *hint hint* .. *nudge nudge*

.. it probly also has a lot to do witht he fact that blogger doesnt work at my house anymore.. i think i exceeded my d/l cap and have thus been shaped down to 14.4k or something like that =p

anyways.. this week hasnt been all that exciting..

last week i went to jap bbq with some anime ppl... it was tasty

this weekend i went to a LAN at gus' .. we played tower defence for like 3 days =p im rather bad at it.

uh.. that brings us to today =p
..man im boring...

in late breaking news.. the new girl at work Haleh, got in a car accident on the weekend and is in intensive care. sounds really bad actually =( pray for her if you're the praying type.

- ian, 2:16 pm :: 1 comments

:: Monday, March 21
i dont ever wanna be you
yawn.. work was teh crap today. i spent the whole day trying to get Win2k server installed on a test box.. its not even my job. someone else somewhere is being paid to do such installs. but in the end i jsut did it myself cos it was easier than trying to figure out how to get someone else to do it. there are all these issues like Desktop support cant do server installs and LAN ppl cant do workstation installs.. and so and so doesnt have win2k images anymore.. and this boot disk doesnt work on that machine.. or this image doesnt work with that driver. gah! =p

im tired. im going to sleep..

- ian, 10:35 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, March 20
blinded by the light
um.. yo.. sup?

i havent posted in almost a month
first i was in switzerland.. which for some reason was devoid of internet access.. and since then i was either not in the mood or jsut too drunk too post.

im not really sure if im in the mood now.. but i figure if i dont post now ill have too much to post later =p

.. just quickly ill talk about this week.. then ill tack some stuff about the trip onto the end.. or something.. *shrugs*.. ill probly get bored before i finish and jsut do point form =p

:: work work
i went back to work after one day, thinking i was over my jetlag.. but i totally wasnt even close. pretty much the whole week i was heaps sleepy at work and then couldnt sleep at nite.. often waking up at some crazy hour like 4am. so most of this week is a bit of a blur to me =p

when i got back to work and found our development server had died so i had to fix it. when i asked them when it broke.. they said "like 2 weeks ago" ... but they figured it was easier jsut to wait till i got back.

i wasnt exactly running on all cylinders so it took me all week to fix it pretty much. i spent most of the week answer ppl asking "so how was ur trip?" .. mostly id jsut go "yeh it was good" then pause until they ask a more specific question =p

i went straight home and slept every nite cept friday. we had a new girl start at work and another guy leaving, so we went out for a work "lunch".. which means all afternoon =p we went to a decent japanese restaurant, albeit a lil pricey. i didnt really make it back to work.. the rest of the nite mostly consisted of me stumbling around. i totally havent had that much to drink since about first year uni. it was pretty horrible, i seriously had trouble walking home from the train station.

.. anyways i fought off the hangover to go to a farewell yum cha for cecil.. who is off to london for a few years or something to work. it was a buffet style yum cha which is totally weird, but at least i didnt have to search around for har gau all over the place =p one guy came up to me and said he thought i looked familiar but he couldnt remember where he knew me from. i was actually thinking the exact same thing about almost everyone there =p there was like 40 ppl there or something.. almost all of them looked familiar .. but i coudlnt only remember the names of 2 or 3 of the ppl there, i probly saw msot of them at cecil's bday 4 years ago =p

.. meh.. im too lazy to write good posts for now, it requires too much brain power. heres some mini spiel about the back end of my trip::

:: london
i was sick =p bleh i didnt really do anything. went on the Jack The Ripper tour, which was sorta cool.. but the rest of the time i jsut lay down and ate chocolate =p

:: saas fe
we were on a really small tour (11 ppl + 9 staff) hehe. it was a 20hr bus ride to get there, but it went suprisingly easy, cos we were in an almost empty double decker bus. the ppl seemed pretty cool, it sorta felt like a high school excursion, we ate lollies and ran up and down the isles and played cards and drew on ppls faces whilst they were asleep =p

.. the lodge was most of the same.. i heaps cant be bothered to go thru the details right now, so jsut ask me about it sometime. we went curling which was pretty funny, its like the same game as lawn bowls, but with different equipment. i could barely push these giant rock things, they were pushing me along the ice =p we also watched some ice hockey, its pretty dangerous.. cos theres no glass to hide behind like on tv. and a few times a spectator almost got a puck in the teeth.. eep!

.. the snow wasnt fantastic.. apparently it was a bad year. the runs were cool though, like heap steepness and good quality piste. there wasnt really any off piste cos out of bound was glacier.. where ppl fall into ravines and arent seen for thousands of years. i amused myself in the halfpipe for a while and almost got sorta kinda decently ok. which means i wasnt totally n00b, but still msotly n00b =p the first few days my boots were really painful, so i rode fakie half the day. this evened out the pain into both feet =p there wasnt really anyone on the trip who i could go around snowboarding with.. i beat almost all of them down the mountain when i was going fakie =p i usually met up with some ppl at lunchtimes though cos we all had packed lunches and sat around discussing the stacks of the morning =) hehe.

the only kinds of music u can hear in switzerland are German Pop, retro 80s and Jack Johnson (around the half pipe). its pretty amusing to walk past bars at lunchtime and see fully suited up eurotrash dancing to Cyndi Lauper =p

:: london
at the dinner table i mentioned that i needed to see Greenwich before i left, and quite conviniently there was a girl (Rose) there who lived in Greenwich. She offered a free tour, so a few of us on the trip went round to see her on Thursday (the day after we got back). Greenwich was pretty interesting with the observatory n such, if only i had a watch so i could set it to Greenwich time =p we mostly ended up jsut walking around and looking at various things like One Tree Hill and this boat which was grounded in Greenwich (i forget the name of it).

later that nite Rose cooked dinner for all of us, which was lovely =) and then we headed out into town in search of some partying, it was really cool to jsut hang out with a bunch of locals jsut to see what Londoners did at nite. and from my observations they jsut go out and consume large amounts of alcohol =p i managed to only have a few.. but some of the others didnt fare as well. we caught the London equivilant of the nite ride back to Greenwich, cos none of us really knew how to get home cept Rose =p it was crazy nite ride.. the driver was a maniac who swerved all over the place.. and then there were these jamacian guys on the bus with bongos singing crazy freestyle songs about various drunkards on the bus =p

the next morning, we got up at midday-ish, and Rose said she would make us a full english breakfast, jsut cos it was my last day and i hadnt yet had one =p it was so tasty, but my arteries will still be feeling it a few months from now =p

:: tokyo
i was in tokyo for 6hrs.. and i was thinking "im almost home" .. which is was pretty funny if u consider that jsut a month earlier it was the furthest id ever been away from Sydney, and jsut a year ago it was twice as far as id ever been. =p

the flight was pretty good though, we had an almost deserted 747-400. there were like 1 in 20 seats filled, so we all jsut lay across a whole row and went to sleep. there was also like 2 flight attendants for 10 ppl, so almsot everytime i woke up there was an attendant rushing over to offer me a drink or something =)

:: sydney
i was in Sydney for about an hour when i found myself waiting 20mins for my late running train *sigh*.. i totally dont understand how so many other countries can have such good trains, jsut Sydney has such horrible a train system.

it was 29 degrees the day i arrived and i almost died trying to carry all my stuff home from the station. but it was still good to see the sun =)

.. meh.. there was other good stuff.. but im a bit over this whole blog thing atm.. why dont u jsut ask me about in real life? how come no one ever calls me anymore? *sniff*

p.s. here are some pics from my camera and this other ian's camera.

- ian, 9:38 pm :: 0 comments

blinded by the light
um.. yo.. sup?

i havent posted in almost a month
first i was in switzerland.. which for some reason was devoid of internet access.. and since then i was either not in the mood or jsut too drunk too post.

im not really sure if im in the mood now.. but i figure if i dont post now ill have too much to post later =p

.. just quickly ill talk about this week.. then ill tack some stuff about the trip onto the end.. or something.. *shrugs*.. ill probly get bored before i finish and jsut do point form =p

:: work work
i went back to work after one day, thinking i was over my jetlag.. but i totally wasnt even close. pretty much the whole week i was heaps sleepy at work and then couldnt sleep at nite.. often waking up at some crazy hour like 4am. so most of this week is a bit of a blur to me =p

when i got back to work and found our development server had died so i had to fix it. when i asked them when it broke.. they said "like 2 weeks ago" ... but they figured it was easier jsut to wait till i got back.

i wasnt exactly running on all cylinders so it took me all week to fix it pretty much. i spent most of the week answer ppl asking "so how was ur trip?" .. mostly id jsut go "yeh it was good" then pause until they ask a more specific question =p

i went straight home and slept every nite cept friday. we had a new girl start at work and another guy leaving, so we went out for a work "lunch".. which means all afternoon =p we went to a decent japanese restaurant, albeit a lil pricey. i didnt really make it back to work.. the rest of the nite mostly consisted of me stumbling around. i totally havent had that much to drink since about first year uni. it was pretty horrible, i seriously had trouble walking home from the train station.

.. anyways i fought off the hangover to go to a farewell yum cha for cecil.. who is off to london for a few years or something to work. it was a buffet style yum cha which is totally weird, but at least i didnt have to search around for har gau all over the place =p one guy came up to me and said he thought i looked familiar but he couldnt remember where he knew me from. i was actually thinking the exact same thing about almost everyone there =p there was like 40 ppl there or something.. almost all of them looked familiar .. but i coudlnt only remember the names of 2 or 3 of the ppl there, i probly saw msot of them at cecil's bday 4 years ago =p

.. meh.. im too lazy to write good posts for now, it requires too much brain power. heres some mini spiel about the back end of my trip::

:: london
i was sick =p bleh i didnt really do anything. went on the Jack The Ripper tour, which was sorta cool.. but the rest of the time i jsut lay down and ate chocolate =p

:: saas fe
we were on a really small tour (11 ppl + 9 staff) hehe. it was a 20hr bus ride to get there, but it went suprisingly easy, cos we were in an almost empty double decker bus. the ppl seemed pretty cool, it sorta felt like a high school excursion, we ate lollies and ran up and down the isles and played cards and drew on ppls faces whilst they were asleep =p

.. the lodge was most of the same.. i heaps cant be bothered to go thru the details right now, so jsut ask me about it sometime. we went curling which was pretty funny, its like the same game as lawn bowls, but with different equipment. i could barely push these giant rock things, they were pushing me along the ice =p we also watched some ice hockey, its pretty dangerous.. cos theres no glass to hide behind like on tv. and a few times a spectator almost got a puck in the teeth.. eep!

.. the snow wasnt fantastic.. apparently it was a bad year. the runs were cool though, like heap steepness and good quality piste. there wasnt really any off piste cos out of bound was glacier.. where ppl fall into ravines and arent seen for thousands of years. i amused myself in the halfpipe for a while and almost got sorta kinda decently ok. which means i wasnt totally n00b, but still msotly n00b =p the first few days my boots were really painful, so i rode fakie half the day. this evened out the pain into both feet =p there wasnt really anyone on the trip who i could go around snowboarding with.. i beat almost all of them down the mountain when i was going fakie =p i usually met up with some ppl at lunchtimes though cos we all had packed lunches and sat around discussing the stacks of the morning =) hehe.

the only kinds of music u can hear in switzerland are German Pop, retro 80s and Jack Johnson (around the half pipe). its pretty amusing to walk past bars at lunchtime and see fully suited up eurotrash dancing to Cyndi Lauper =p

:: london
at the dinner table i mentioned that i needed to see Greenwich before i left, and quite conviniently there was a girl (Rose) there who lived in Greenwich. She offered a free tour, so a few of us on the trip went round to see her on Thursday (the day after we got back). Greenwich was pretty interesting with the observatory n such, if only i had a watch so i could set it to Greenwich time =p we mostly ended up jsut walking around and looking at various things like One Tree Hill and this boat which was grounded in Greenwich (i forget the name of it).

later that nite Rose cooked dinner for all of us, which was lovely =) and then we headed out into town in search of some partying, it was really cool to jsut hang out with a bunch of locals jsut to see what Londoners did at nite. and from my observations they jsut go out and consume large amounts of alcohol =p i managed to only have a few.. but some of the others didnt fare as well. we caught the London equivilant of the nite ride back to Greenwich, cos none of us really knew how to get home cept Rose =p it was crazy nite ride.. the driver was a maniac who swerved all over the place.. and then there were these jamacian guys on the bus with bongos singing crazy freestyle songs about various drunkards on the bus =p

the next morning, we got up at midday-ish, and Rose said she would make us a full english breakfast, jsut cos it was my last day and i hadnt yet had one =p it was so tasty, but my arteries will still be feeling it a few months from now =p

:: tokyo
i was in tokyo for 6hrs.. and i was thinking "im almost home" .. which is was pretty funny if u consider that jsut a month earlier it was the furthest id ever been away from Sydney, and jsut a year ago it was twice as far as id ever been. =p

the flight was pretty good though, we had an almost deserted 747-400. there were like 1 in 20 seats filled, so we all jsut lay across a whole row and went to sleep. there was also like 2 flight attendants for 10 ppl, so almsot everytime i woke up there was an attendant rushing over to offer me a drink or something =)

:: sydney
i was in Sydney for about an hour when i found myself waiting 20mins for my late running train *sigh*.. i totally dont understand how so many other countries can have such good trains, jsut Sydney has such horrible a train system.

it was 29 degrees the day i arrived and i almost died trying to carry all my stuff home from the station. but it was still good to see the sun =)

.. meh.. there was other good stuff.. but im a bit over this whole blog thing atm.. why dont u jsut ask me about in real life? how come no one ever calls me anymore? *sniff*

p.s. here are some pics from my camera and this other ian's camera.

- ian, 8:34 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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