:: Tuesday, February 8
im sick of always hearing all the sad songs on the radio
um.. this weekend i didnt do anything. jsut stayed home and packed and planned and did some stuff around the house. this may seem like i have no life and no frens.. but in fact i prefer to think of it as me not conforming to social norms like partying and the seeming need to be popular =p

we won frisbee last nite.. it was a quarter finals. it was pretty funny. we were up 9-3.. but then we played crap for ages.. and they brought it back to 10-9. then i made a diving catch in the endzone =) w00t me. so we're thru to the semis.. sadly i cant play .. unfortunately ill be occupied in europe =p hehe

.. 5 days till im free of this prison called Sydney.. i have no idea where im going.. ive looked at heaps of maps n schedules.. and im still undecided.. ill probly jsut start catching random trains and going whereever looks good on the day..

- ian, 9:07 am ::

Heya Ian!
I know that you've already left the country, but I hope you have a safe and fun trip :o) I hope you don't have too many bruises when you return :p

I'll see you on the frisbee fields when you get back :o)

- Andi
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