:: Tuesday, December 28
whatcha waiting for?
um.. today was pretty tiring.. it involved some skating, rock climbing and basketball =) none of them was particularly interesting though.. i was attempting to teach david to skateboard, but he has the wobbliest skateboard ever made. we played basketball with david at some random high school basketball court in parramatta. it was like jsut some miscellaneous ppl who were there.. some guys some girls, msotly jsut kids. it was pretty funny, cos me and dave had just come from rock climbing.. so we couldnt shoot. i totally didnt feel tired, my legs were fine and flick of the wrsit on release was fine, but there was no real push .. so the shots felt good out of my hand, they jsut had no kick on them.. so they go straight and then just fall about a foot short =p

afterwards we went to wagamammas for a dinner for judy.. who is in sydney for the holidays, after being in New York for 2 years or so. there were quite a few ppl there.. so in the end i only got to talk to judy for about 2 mins =p she seemed pretty unexcited about living in NYC.. she actually thought it was cold in Sydney today (even though she jsut came from a city where it was snowing).

in other news: i forgot a jumper or an umbrella.. so i walked home in the rain and cold... brrr.. achoo .. achoo...

- ian, 10:50 pm ::

Hey Chenny,
I dropped in on your blog when bordness came over me and I began searching for other people with 'Anonymous Gift' in their profiles. It makes for a good read but I'll feel like a bit of a stalker unless I say hi.

Feel free to stalk me back at www.bathurstkat.blogspot.com thus cancelling out any stalking that I may have done.

I'm only new at this blog business and it's not insightful, or entertaining, or even interesting... but I hope to make it better in time.

Hope you have a rad day!
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