:: Wednesday, December 15
all i want to do is be more like me and be less like you
was one of many work xmas lunches today(i mean yesterday).. it was pretty crap and boring =p but that coupled with a fire drill in the morning meant that i spent a total of about an hour at my desk today =p also i left early to do to this LAN thing bunny organised. it was pretty funny when i turned up at 5pm and hatman is like "how long is ur lunch break?" .. i guess time flies when ur at a LAN =p

at this LAN i played *gasp* warcraft 3. omg.. its still pretty teh ghey.. but we played this mod thing coalled DOTA.. it was pretty ok.. since u only have a hero and no units or buildings i actually did ok at it. i was thinking if me, bunny, tenny and hunt play heaps of DOTA with these suanime ppl an get heaps good, then we can play all on the same team vs gus/chito at the next LAN.. and them claim the teams are even (by saying "what? i hardly even play this").. then beat them repeatedly.. then refuse to play any other game.. like they always do to us at Warcraft3.... and then jsut keep beating them till they get bored and start watching pr0n. then sit back with a smug grin calling them chicken for not wanting to play.. and claim whatever else they wanna play is boring.

in other news: i dont think we're having a LAN anymore.. no one seems keen.. i dunno why =p i think the biggest problem with RTSs at LAN parties is that theyre not fun unless ur winning.. so everyone is heaps cheap and plays to win however they can.. even it ifs not fair (i totally shouldve rushed everyone that time we played TA.. i wouldve beaten everyone is about 5 mins.. while they were still trying to figure out where they could build a metal extractor =p) .. whereas something like CS is still pretty fun even when u lose... *shrugs* .. LAN parties are sorta deadness due to ppl playing different games now. maybe we can have a Maple Story LAN .. or a Pokemon Stadium party ... or a Crystal Chronicles party =) .. hrm.. acutally the problem is that no one likes fun games anymore =p ... id say DDR(or dancing stage rather) too.. but that ends up jsut as bad.. "uh ive hardly even played this song.. i can only sorta get AAAs when i play with my eyes closed" .. bleh... we should all play 3rd mix and then u can all feel my ddr ownage =p

.. ahem.. not that im bitter or anything...

afterwards we went and ate.. and then went to play DDR at galaxy (we all got owned up by Annie) .. me and annie were both wearing pretty massive chunky shoes.. she still rocked the house that =) lastly was K-world.. it was pretty cool, cept we kept trying to sing really hard songs which we dont really have the vocal range to sign (cept tenny maybe).. it was fun still =) k-world is so much better than any other K place in sydney right now.

.. hrm.. i got on the last train of the nite.. i got home like after 1pm... *falls asleep*..

- ian, 10:48 am ::

the only fair way to do it is to play songs that nobody has played before. we should jsut play stepmania next time =)
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