:: Thursday, November 4
yeh like whatever
i think one of my new years resolutions this year was to make more of an effort to catch up and hang out with some of those borderline frens who i dont see that often. like ppl who i used to know well.. but have sorta drifted from.

anyways.. i think i was trying pretty hard.. emailing ppl... ringing up ppl.. going out of my way to get to events that those ppl organised.. but after about 10 months of trying.. i totally cant be bothered anymore.. its like u give an inch and they take a mile.. i figure most ppl arent worth the bother. seems like im doing all the trying and the others jsut cant be bothered.. its almost like im begging them to be my friends... i totally dont need that crap. i think a lot of people are jsut being polite rather than being friendly.. my logic tells me those ppl arent really my friends anyway so im not really loosing anything... so many ppl are like "we should do lunch" or "yeh we should catch up sometime" .. which actually means.. "i jsut wanna get out of this conversation, so ill just say something". hrm.. can sorta feel myself getting more cynical everyday =p luckily for me, i can safely assume none of those ppl read this blog.. cos reading my blog is at least a bit of an effort =)

.. and then the apathy started to set in...
so like whatever guys.. i dont care if u cant make it to my bday party this year.. you never make it anyways .. as some guy once said in some movie: "i know you dont have a good excuse, so i wont force you to make up a bad one". you dont need to justify your life with me.. but id rather u be honest than polite.

- ian, 11:18 am ::

What are you doing for your birthday?
i dunno what im doing for my bday.. that was jsut an example. =p this yr i think kallie is organising something.. *shrugs*..

.. that group of ppl are totally lazy and heaps selfish n undecided about everything.. im sick of it.. theyre totally not invited anymore..

my bday is 18 Nov =)
lol that's lucky, because I don't even think kallie has my contact details to invite me, so I'd be like nigellated. We should get all the eclectical noobs and go to laser zone or camping or something :D
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