:: Thursday, October 7
Uzumaki Icchan
i didnt do any much cept go home and watch 14 eps of Naruto end to end =p its so good btw =)

i find Sakura heaps annoying though.. she jsut yells alot =p My biggest problem with Naruto is that everyone seems to get suprised so easily, cos they always make stupid assumptions and are then shocked when they are wrong. heres a typical fight scene.

Onlooker1: Fighter1 cant possiby defeat Fighter2, he should run away now
Fighter1: how dare you underestimate me!
Fighter2: you have no chance to survive, make your time

* fighter2 then beats the crap out of fighter1, resulting in lots of smoke *
Fighter2: it was all too easy
Fighter1: i cannot fail, i must succeeed (for that important person i care for)
* smoke clears, fighter1 gets up*

onlookers: OMG! how did he get up!

Figher2: hrm.. i guess ill have to use my trump card
* fighter2 does some massive super move*

* fighter1 appears to be defeated *
Onlookers: he tried hard, but fighter2 was too strong
Fighter: this is what happens when i get serious

* fighter1 smirks *
* fighter2 coughs up some blood *
* stunned look on everyone's face *

Fighter2: how did he? .... *falls over*
Fighter1: you fell right into my trap, see i used my chakra thru this random inanimate object to attack u.. hahahaha

<< repeat >>

- ian, 1:16 pm ::

I LOVE Gaara!
And shikamaru...

- random visitor -
i forgot to add something like when a friend of the unknow guy goes "is he really going to use THAT move?" .. or "oh no, he's going to use IT .. ive got the get out of here" =p
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