:: Tuesday, October 5
Super Combo Finish!
work was heaps meh as usual... afterwards we went to go skating at Summer Hill but it was totally packed out with high school kids on holidays. we ended up going to skate at Lidcombe instead.. havent been there for ages.. im still pretty crasp.. although its heaps less hard nowadays.. im sorta getting more into ollies than park skating anyways.. its so much effort to get to a skate park.. whereas i can practice ollies in my garage =p i did one big one.. but ended up on my face .. it wasnt all that bad though.

basketball was pretty meh as well.. we won a close game for once.. i felt like i didnt do very much except complain to the refs a lot. i got called for a few mystery fouls... and once he called a travel on me.. and then later changed it to a double dribble (it really shoudlve been neither, cos the defender knocked the ball out of my hands).. anyways i still scored a few points and a win is a win =p

i finally got my spindle back (yay) so much anime watching to be had. ill start with Kenshin and Naruto.. and then work thru the rest later. i still wanna leech Full Metal Alchemist off someone though =p even though i got home at 11:30pm i still managed to squeeze a few eps of naruto in before bed.. good eps too =)

.. in other news: im dreaming of Super Puzzle Fighter now when i sleep. When im on trains all i really do is either play Super Puzzle Fighter or sleep.. and now i just see colored gems shattering in my dreams.. i imagine these super chain combos that i do and massive power gems... *sigh*.. so sad.. so very sad ....

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

Hey! Are you going to register for div 3? Or am I going to have to do it for you? :p (pfft, boys! so lazy! :p)

Or are you going div 4? For div 3, we currently have more girls registered than guys which is quite strange, cos normally we have a girl shortage :p *hint hint*!!!! :p
i signed up =)
also im not sure what ur hinting.. but you've got enough "shortage" for a whole team
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