:: Sunday, October 24
my mom says im cool
and in this weekend update: not much. theres more spiel than there is commentary.. but considering how interesting my weekends are, thats probly a good thing =p

:: friday
work was a usual RBA friday.. i.e. a lot of louging around.. not much working =p

after work i met up with annie and phuong to go to dinner.. but annie was abotu an hour late (big suprise =p). Phuong (who is about as wide as car's radio aerial) complained about how she was so hungry and weak all the time .. and also that she wore these ludicrously pointy-toed high heels and so they were sore to walk in.

anyways we eventually went to dinner at that jap place on York Street.. it was ok as usual =p i see those guys like never, so it was cool to bitch about people.. ahem.. i mean catch up on stuff =p whilst talking about the good ole days annie mentioned that one of her friends who we used to know spent some amount of time flirting with me. i was of course totally oblivious cos im rather de-sensitised to flirting nowdays =p .. anyways the point of this story is that her reason for flirting with me was not that she was interested in me.. but cos she thought i was interested in her .. im like wtf? why would you flirt with someone you're not interested in? well apparently girls do this just for kicks.. they just like knowing they could get guys.. even if they dont want them.. its like an ego thing or something.. more fuel for my "girls are nothing but trouble" arguement. oh well.. at least i got away unscathed.. i do feel feel sorta bad for all those other poor lil boys like me getting sucked in somewhere by some troublesome lass..

.. ahem.. moving on.. we went to the Intercontinental Hotel for some Sugar Hit action. it was described as this "Pink pepper strawberries with guava sorbet, lavender honey slice in hazelnut croquant and cassis, Baileys and Mocha gelle on marinated apricots and cookies and cream parfait with toffee and marshmallow." .. and i must say this one looked awesome.. the presentation was like the sorta thing you'd see on the front of a Donna Hay book or something. the wine wasnt too shabby either =) but compared to the Sheraton on the Park the wine serve was a lil on the skimpy side =p

..tis a small small world.. we met up with one of annie's friends from HS.. and her friend was a BIT at UTS from the year above me.. (i didnt recognise her) and she was apparently sms'ing some BITs from our year.. weird. anyways.. whilst there i noticed some guy who i sorta knew sitting at another table.. but i was too lazy to get up and go say hello =p then my cousin turned up... so i figured i should get up and at least say hi to him... he was in shorts and a tshirt at a 5 star Hotel.. typical.. but then he has the nerve to say im underdressed =p .. he apparently hurt his back snowboarding and hasnt been going to work.. what a slacker.

.. i went home after that..

:: saturday
um.. Kenshin and the Simpsons.. mostly.. i dunno what happened to this day.. uh.. heres a quick review of pretty much every fight in Kenshin...

Kenshin: i dont wanna fight you! im wanderer who doesnt kill
BadGuy: i must fight you to prove i am the strongest!!
*badguy cuts up kenshin*
Kenshin: i understand i have wronged your family/clan/village .. but this is the Meiji era.. killing isnt the answer
BadGuy: this is too easy.. i wont be satisified unless you turn back into Battousai the Manslayer
*more of kenshin getting beat up*
Miss Kaoru: kenshin!! you cant beat him with that reverse blade sword!!
*kenshin does some Hiten Mitsurugi super move, but doesnt kill the guy*
Badguy: i cant believe i lost to a reverse blade..
Kenshin: hey badguy.. blah blah blah.. i dont kill ... blah blah blah you can still change... its time for a new start..
Badguy: you know what.. seeing your non-killing swordfighting has made me realise my beliefs up till now have been completely wrong.. im a changed man.. ill drop everything and become a farmer...
Yahiko: Yatta!!

:: Sunday
not much going on this day either... Kallie came over to get me to fix some codec on her puter.. so she could watch Kenshin =) hehe. it only took about 10 mins to fix.. but she stayed around for about 5 hours because there was a Sex in the City marathon on Foxtel. it was on channel 23.. i didnt even know i had a channel 23 =p id never really watched the show before, but its basically about these women and theyre crazy relationships and stuff.. each week they each have a new bf with one odd thing about them (usually something in bed).. in many ways it reminds me of Seinfeld.. but with less jokes and more angst.

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

oh hello there =) yeh i do computers .. uh.. its not that exciting really. what do you do?
japan!! .. can i trade places with you?
what do u do at uni?

ill probly be in tokyo in feb =)
im just stopping over on the way to London. probly do a spot of shopping =)
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