:: Monday, October 25
Go Go Beckham!!!
last nite was horribles.. i couldnt sleep at all till about 4am.. so i was rather groggy when i got to work =p but today is double sporty day .. with indoor soccer and frisbee =) so yay me! i was feeling a bit stagnant due to not much exercise lately.

indoor soccer was the late game (2:15pm).. so we're always tossing up whether is better to eat before or after.. in the end i decided against it. and in the end i was a bit lacking energy during the game *sigh*.. anyhoo... i scored a goal!! the first non-Nathan goal scored by our team =) Yatta! it was a bit lucky.. the guy playing at the back, made a bad pass to the girl right at the back.. and i snuck in and stole it off her.. then beat the goalie one on one .. into the top right corner =) the actual shot was more fluke than skill =p but with how crap i am.. ill take any goals i can get hehe.

.. anyhoo.. the second half of this story is frisbee.. but alas the first game of the summer season was cancelled cos the ground was closed.. grr.. jsut my luck.. i was sorta having frisbee withdrawls too =p

.. i went home and watched Adaptation.. whoa .. that movie is weird.. its sorta hard to explain but its like about a guy who is writing screenplay for the movie you're watching. im not really sure if i liked it or not but it is certainly different from other movies ive seen. you should go see it and judge for yourself =)

- ian, 11:13 pm ::

tell me about it! I'm suffering withdrawls too!

cos last night for div 2, we had 6 girls (so 3 subs) and I arrived late (cos Phil had to buy socks! argh!) so I didn't get much of a run .. and afterwards, I felt like playing another game :o/ i'm hoping next week isn't cancelled as well!
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