:: Thursday, September 23
art imitates life
meh.. im bored. i had to go out to the disaster recoery site today.. we spent about 4 hours there and i only really needed to be there for about 5 mins =p we stopped at Castle Towers to eat on the way back as well.. its been a pretty cruisey day. i shoulda jsut gone straight home =p

anyways.. im stuck in a cubicle.. may as well update my blog.

:: wednesday
i woke up feeling like crasp.. *sigh* .. another day at the coal mines. i didnt really do anything the whole day. after work i had a few hours to kill so i sat at my desk and watched some episodes of Naruto, and burnt some divx movies off the the movie server at work... ahem.. i mean backed up some of my files... =p

next i met up with kallie to go see this play called Betrayal. luckily she was heaps early so she came and gave me a ride instead of me having to hike to sydney uni =p

the play was pretty awesome.. but thats coming from someone who really likes plays =p i thought it was very cleverly written with some witty dialogue and the actors and actresses were all good throughtout the play. the story was this sorta backwards recollection of this affair. kinda scary how humans are so flawed, i sorta never could really get my head around betrayal n stuff before, but in recent times have seen some pretty suck stuff goin on, and this movie highlights some aspects of how people deal with it. anyhoo i highly recommend you go see it if u read this before it closes on saturday =p the only real problems i had with it was they sorta over did the awkward silences a bit... i mean i know in this sorta situation theyd happen a lot.. but it kinda took away from the flow of the dialogue at times.

the guy sitting behind me kept moving around an kicked me in the back of the head.. and also i was sorta sitting behind a pole.. but other than that it was enjoyable =)

i got home at midnite-ish for the 3rd night in a row .. but i had to stay up and attempt to fix my injury riddled computer *sigh* ... so many nights.. so little sleep.

.. in other angst, i was crying the other nite (no i dont wanna talk about it) so heres a shamlessly plagarised and slightly edited angsty poem from somewhere:
I saw him today.
I saw her today.

It's been a while.
It feels like its been forever.

He looked okay.
I couldn't stop staring.

We talked for a bit.
I've missed her voice.

He kept looking at me and I wondered why.
She wouldn't look me in the eye and I wondered why.

He asked me how I was and I told him about my new boyfriend.
She asked me if I had a girlfriend and I told him I didn't.

I pretended like I cared.
I pretended like I didn't care.

He looked different than he used to.
She looked better than ever.

I gave him a friendly hug goodbye.
We held each other one more time.

And then I went shopping.
And then I went home and cried.

- ian, 9:16 am ::

Your description of this play has me intrigued. The content hits kinda close to home. Plus I love witty dialog. Do you know if it was locally written? Or is the script something I could get my hands on over here in the States? Get me the author's name, if you can, and I'll use my librarian ways to locate a copy.
the play is actually quite famous. it was written by a fellow named Harold Pinter.. theres a movie based on it starring Jeremy Irons.
I just came back because a quick search led me easily to Harold Pinter. Can you believe it's nearly as old as I am (and probably older than you...) We have a copy at my library. I'm gonna check it out. Thanks!
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