:: Thursday, September 2
angsty background music
meh.. i meant to do heaps of things today, but i did nothing really =p

just before lunch we ran out in Martin Place to see Killing Heidi play for a bit. they were doing a sound check for some tv show theyre doing tommolo morning. its pretty cool to get a bit of decent australian live music right outside ur office =)

i had lunch with kallie.. uh.. after work i did nothing really..
wow i lead such an exciting life.. i can hardly contain myself.. =p

.. hrm ..
i was just thinking i need to go see a stage musical. i havent seen one for ages. its sorta hard for a single guy to go see a musical. you cant really find friends to go. no guys ever wanna go to musicals.. and all the girls go with other girls or their bf's. and if u ask a single girl to go see a musical its all like suspicious. *sigh* i might go watch Sound of Music on DVD now...

- ian, 10:37 pm ::

uh.. can we watch something else? im not heaps keen on seeing a musical based on pr0n.

.. in other news: no im not gay...
Are you sure you're not gay? :D

.... anyhoos, did you register for the hat? I decided to at last minute, though am not sure if i should have :p
omg! i forgot!!
eep!.. is it closed already? argh!!
I like musicals, but not ones where I have to pay 100 bucks to go (*COUGH*LIONKING*COUGH*) something like cats or phantom or les miserables or something would be cool.
musicals are just that expensive =p South Pacific is on atm its only $65 for B reserve. who's keen?
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