:: Monday, August 16
why does it always rain on me?
work today = bleh (as usual). i realised that this project im on is about twice as big as i thought it was =p i might have to actually do some planning for it =p

afterwork was frisbee. it was ok. i played ok. throwing was average, catching was terribles, defence was pretty good. i think frisbee is the only game where im better at defence than offence.. which is weird cos normally im better at running away from people than chasing after ppl =p

whilst talking to my sister today she mentioned that some girl at her work thought i was cute (from a wedding photo). pretty flattering.. sadly she is already engaged. *sigh* why is it i only ever get called cute by girls who are taken.. or by weird anime guys. those are both groups of people im not interested in =p for some reason i dont seem to be at all appealing to single girls.. *sigh*

did i mention i had to walk home from frisbee in the rain yet again .. oh how i love being me =p

- ian, 10:07 pm ::

Soz dude, couldn't offer you a lift home as I had to rush to the dress fitting :p And you would have had to endure an entire car trip with sick ppl (my dad's sicker than I am atm), plus a huge detour via Randwick (dropping sistas off) :p

What was the score btw? Matt said he thinks it was 12-5?
oh hello there lil girl..
im not heaps bothered about walking in the rain. although i did fall asleep on the train and end up at mt colah =p

i think the score was more than 12-5, but he wrote 12-5 anyways cos we dont really need the points
oh hello there lil boy :p

you didn't really end up in mt colah did you? hehe you could have skateboarded home from there .. *cough* :o)

ah I didn't think it was 12-5, because by the time I'd finished getting changed and left the field (over 5 mins later) you were all still playing and it would have been one really long point :p
whoa quick reply. so nice of u to be not lurking for once =p
hehe it's cos i wanted to know what the final score was :p

and i only ever come out when i'm sick .. so i can spread my flu germs around :p
I don't think anyone will ever see this post but never mind. This is a pretty neat blog, I like it.
oh and what's "weird anime guys"?

and don't worry, I think you are very cute =)
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