:: Thursday, August 19
hihi~~ asl?
meh work.. bleh.. i had lunch with kallie. talked about snow (which she had jsut got back from) =) ahh snow is such a universal language =p although she wussed out of snowboarding after one day and went back to skis.

after work i met up with Asha, who i met online =) actually not the first person ive met from online.. but probly the first who wasnt basketball or counter-strike related =p it turns out she actually knows heaps of people that i know, cos she lives up my end of town.. and also knows some compsci/law ppl. she is gonna join our frisbee team next comp =) thats good news for andrea since she is even shorter than her =p. anyhoos we had a bite and a drink at the Epping hotel before going to see Spiderman 2. in between she let me drive her car around for a bit. kinda weird to let someone u just met drive ur car around .. even more so since i dont have a license, also it was raining .. and we'd jsut come from a pub =p it went pretty well i reakon, it was kinda shaky at the start, cos the car is so tiny (its a barina) i had trouble locating the pedals. but it went ok after that.. man.. i really should go and get my license =p

the movie was pretty cool.. the start was really really slow moving.. it felt like id seen a whole hour and only seen 5 mins of doc ock. but the second half was coolness.. well i liked it anyways =p *ALERT: semi-spoiler next.... * the part where harry finds the green goblin stuff was pretty pointless. it would make much more sense to put it in the next movie.. it didnt really add anything to this movie.

oh and i got a lift home to boot =) man.. its good to hang out with locals again hehe..

- ian, 4:46 pm ::

meano :p

i'd spread my flu germs your way, except we kinda need you for the semis/finals :p
oh andrea, u say the sweetest things =p
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