:: Sunday, August 8
ok.. i havent posted for a while.. sorta.. but nothing has happened really... heres the short version.

:: friday
had a work "lunch", it started at 12-ish.. and we pretty much didnt go back to the office (till it was time for office drinks at 4pm =). we at at the Forbes hotel (its heaps less good than i remember =p) .. and then hung out .. i was killing everyone at pool =)

later that nite i went on the Anonymous Gift CD single Launch/cruise. it was pretty mad. they put on a good show =) the support acts were pretty mad too.. havent heard any live punk for a while =p

:: saturday
i was dead in the morning. couldnt really move. no energy.. i dunno why. i just did nothing all day. although i did get doom3 =) its heaps scary.. so tense.. eep! hold me!

i got it of Ankur, and while we were there he was pointing out his crazy next door neighbour who always shines a flashlight thru their kitchen window... hrm.. rather odd. apparently sometimes she bangs pots n pans too =p

:: now
i spose u've noticed already that i change the template. i found the old one depressing.. and i have more than enough of that already. this one is a bit more bright n sunny =) its also my first really attempt at using floating divs to make pages.. man theyre pretty fiddly =p but they can do lotsa of things that tables cant. cross-browser action is a bit annoying cos its never spaced quite the same =p theres 2 noticeable flaws with how this site renders in my favourite browser.. if u can tell me what they are, you win a prize =)
if you wanna tell me what you think about it, why not try my new tagboard replacement.. its on the right over there -->
i wrote it myself and its called icchanotag.. or chenpost.. (im still working on the name). please dont try and break it. cos it breaks easily, due to my poor coding abilities =p
um.. i think ill name the snowboard girl Yuka or Kasumi or something else jap.. maybe Tomoko or Ayumi =p

- ian, 1:00 am ::

pardon me.. im just checking how the template looks with comments
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