:: Wednesday, May 26
due to me getting home rather late nowadays.. i keep ending a backlogs of blogs.. i end up writing yesterday's blog at work so i can either change the date of the post.. or jsut have everything one day out of sync. im not really sure which i prefer atm..

anyhoos.. at lunch today.. or yesterday.. or um.. lets jsut say lunch on Tuesday. i had to go and buy some long soccer socks for soccer.. and also frisbee. it was suprisingly difficult to find a pair of plain black socks.. theyre all branded with "im a consumer whore" logos on them like nike and umbro.. or some crap. anyways i got some no name brand black and white socks which seem ok.

on the way back to the office i bumped into Minh Tran.. the girl one.. (like girl-type ranma sorta). totally havent seen her for ages.. she was lunching with some other ppl in her year who ive seen before but never met.. and still havent met. =p seems ppl dont introduce other ppl to each other nowadays. she happened to mention she was reading my blog that day.. hehe.. i had no idea.. i really like finding out that people read my blog.. it makes it feel less like a waste of time =p i decided to have a read of hers featuring the lovely Ayumi Hamasaki ^_^; hehe. when i have time, i might add it to my "list of blogs that are dead or are never updated" which sits on the menu on the right hand side =p although it seems she actually updates hers once in a while.. so i might actually have a blog which isnt mine to read =p

afterwork was the first game of the basketball season.. i was sposed to meet up with hunt at redfern.. but i totally blacked out or something and overshot it to sydenham .. im such a train n00b. anyways we eventually got there at 6:56pm.. and the game started at 7pm and he had rego n stuff to do =p eep.. hehe also we had to meet our team as well .. it all went ok though. it seems the whole comp is pretty disorganised. anyways the first half went ok.. we were up 15-12.. and thinking we had a good chance to win.. but in the second half we out scored them 33-4 (no thats not a typo) .. so we ran out winners by 48-16 .. which is pretty crazy.. cos this is grading round.. *fingers crossed we dotn get put in Div1*. the team we played against was heaps n00b though, they were mostly high school kids.. and we jsut killed them on the fast breaks... all they really had was jump shots, and they werent really dropping. but in any case it was good to win first up =p

kinda walked home in the rain.. but thats ok i spose.. i need to figure out a better way to carry all the crap i have home.. hrms..

- ian, 11:38 am ::

Oi! where's my blog dude! =p

and stop eating those KK's before i get to sydney..
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