:: Tuesday, April 27
looong weekend..
ok a totally busy long weekend. im pretty exhausted due to a combination of excessive exercise and lack of sleep. heres a quick wrap up::

:: friday
i took an RDO to do some things. started by sleeping in =)
i got up and went to meet hunt at newtown to go shopping for second hand suits for this bucks party. but on the way i spied a Vinnies out the window of the train at West Ryde, so i hopped out to have a closer look. totally hit the jackpot with secodn hand suits in that place. there was a vast array of tuxedos, leisure suits and tartan three piece suits =) even better was that a few of them actually fit me. i ended up getting this really cool dark brown suit, its heaps indy.. like the sorta thing Ben Lee or someone would wear =p a bargain at only $15 =)

i ended up meeting hunt, but i didnt need to buy a suit anymore =p so he jsut bought this oversized kinda dark aqua colored one. it was cool too. but didnt have the re-wearability that mine had. after talking to nathan at work about how our "casual fridays" were getting more and casual every friday, we decided to have Suit Wednesday, where we all over dress in full suits n ties. so at least i wont have to wear the same suit every week now =p

me and hunt went to eat that this really nice quiet jap restaurant on a side street.. mm i miss jap food.. i soooo wanna go back to japan... *sigh* ...

afterwards i went to paddys market in an attempt to purchasing a matching hat for my suit, but to no avail. i did however bump into monica, who was buying herself a new phone.. (she tends to go thru phones rather quickly =p). anyways she joined me in shopping for an engagement gift for minh n thao... she wasnt really much help.. kept telling me to buy a portable BBQ.. *shrugs*...

:: saturday
ok this was maybe the most jam packed day ever for me.. right up there with the day i came home from a day of snowboarding in perisher, back to thornleigh.. then went clubbing till 4am. hehe but it was easily the biggest which didnt involve alcohol =) anyways... started by waking up at about 7:30 cos i had to get to parramatta by 9:30 for anime club soccer. the first soccer id played since... well ever =p we got there at 9:40.. a lil bit late.. but suprise suprise... no one else was anywhere in sight =p stupid anime ppl.. i shouldve known that they never turn up on time anyways.. it was well after 10 before we spotted any other people. gees..

anyways the UTS team displayed a fair amount of ownage on the UNSW team.. although it was apparently their second string team. we won 7-0. hunt got 5, chito got 1 .. and even i got one!! u know the defence isnt very good if i score a goal =p but to their credit, they were played two girls on the field when they didnt have to. and one of the girls was pretty good actually.

after a bit of sitting around, we played in a exhibition vs the UNSW first team, cos mac uni didnt show. anyways it was a much closer game.. cos they were actually pretty good. they had a girl who was pretty mad. their defence mostly consisted of hacking at peoples ankles though. which kinda sucks.. but i was playing in dunlop volleys so maybe i just noticed it more in this game =p anyways i managed to hurt my ankle cos its about as durable as roof tiles made of gingerbread. the not top ten play of the week goes the UTS cheer squad for pointing and laughing as i hobbled off the field. thats pretty lame...

... bleh
anyways.. onwards to khanh's farewell at centennial park. chito decided to take a "shortcut" through newtown.. where we sat in traffic for about 40 mins =p we finally got there heaps after the food was gone .. so we sat around and drank mountain dew *shudder*. it was kinda cool.. a quietish picnic.. no ruckus action really.. but i was pretty tired at that point.. so it was all a bit of a blur =p

.. meh.. next was down to Bonnet Bay for the start of hunt's bucks party. we jsut hung out and ate some food had some drinks.. watched some snowboard DVD.. chilled out and chatted with just the boys for once =) we were all decked out in our suits .. and looked pretty swish i must say .. hehe. nice not to have everyone is tshirts for once.

.. next was a train ride to the city from sutherland.. man i didnt recognise anything all the way down there in the Shire.. it was like being in another country. i was busy looking around for hobbits n elves =p it was pretty funny though we had a boom box cranking some old school 80s music =) we went to the Australian Technology Park (ATP) where hunt works, cos there is a lit basketball court where we could have some crazy basketball hip hop action. zinger pretty much jsut dominated everyone. it was heaps of fun though. i played ok.. lotsa steals and fast breaks as always in full court basketball =p

next we were sposed to go play DDR.. but we were late for karaoke so we went straight there. we booked out the 12 person room for 2 hours at k world. it was a first for a lot of the people there.. so it was cool to see what they did and what songs they went after =) me and hunt had our regular britney quota. chito has his avril.. and phil has his Under the Sea solo. =) also lots of sillyness all around from various peoples hehe. such hilarity.

pics of the bucks courtesy of guscam.. can be found here
after i had to rush of a bit early though to catch the last train home.

:: sunday
i had to get up early to help my sister with some wedding stuff.. and to make a card for minh and thao's engagement party. so i only got about 3 or 4 hours sleep.. so tiredness. i then headed to glebe for the engagement party.. which i foolishly assumed would be somewhere near the broadway end of glebe point road. unfortunately it was like on the other side of glebe somewhere.. took me like forever to walk there. i got there and was struggling to not fall asleep =p

it was fun for the parts where i was awake enough to pay attention. i had a chance to catch up with a lot of people who i havent seen in a long while, and thats always good =) it seems so much easier to lose touch with people in this hectic real world. its not like uni where u usually bump into people quite regularly. basically unless people work near me (and we can meet up for lunch) i never get to see them. people are too busy living in the real world nowadays.. ppl are getting married and buying houses now.. aww they grow up so fast.. *sniffle*

i think they liked my gift.. and my card. i think i spent wayy too much time on the card.. i shoudlve jsut bought them a hallmark or something =p i do like the drawing though.. but the girl's head is still too big.. just not sure where i can slim it down.. hmm i wish i was a better artist. seems all the artistic skills went from my mother to my brother.. grr. i think i have bad eyes.. i jsut cant judge proportions properly.. i think i need one of those poser dolls... actualy i might go buy one .. uh.. right after pay day =p .. i was sposed to go to gabby's bday thing at the rocks after that.. but i couldnt even stay awake. so i went home to sleep.

:: monday
after a ludicrous amount of last minute organising.. we finally decided to see kill bill volume 2 at burwood. most ppl (including me) turned up late. i fell asleep on the train an went all the way to redfern, so i had to back track =p the movie was pretty rockin.. its a heaps different tempo to the first movie. some style of movie though, so its still cool. but u will like it for different reasons to why u liked the first movie. its very clever and story based, as opposed to being actiony. although there is still some action. i think it was done well though, i reakon if they did them the other way around everyone wouldve shouted it down.. kinda like how they did to the 2nd matrix movie =p

went straight to frisbee pretty much
we had the last of the rankings rounds and the first qurter final. we managed to win both, but not with any help from me. i played totally crapsticks. these two were easily my worst 2 games ever.. worse than the first games i ever played =p i jsut couldnt run.. or jump or move into space or throw the disc. i scored once.. but that was pretty much all i did the whole nite. after the rankings round, we finished 2nd overall.. so we got to play the 7th team in the quarters.. they were pretty good though.. and jumped out to a 2-0 lead on us =p i sat on the bench for a while.. so we caught up. hehe. we ended up winning by 4 i think. which is cool.

andrea was over at naremburn (up the road) so i had to wait for her .. but unfortuantely she was uber late cos she was held up somewhere. i was left standing around in the cold... eating bread i had in my bag from saturday (eww). i finaly gave up and started walking to the stn... when i spotted her car driving past to go pick me up.. so i ran back. hehe.. it wouldve sucked to carry all my gear home on the train at 11:30 ish. so i was grateful for even a late lift =)

.. ahh thats pretty much it.. exhausting..

.. in other news: i have a grand total of 18c in my bank account =p .. pay day on thursday.. phew..

- ian, 11:58 am ::

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