:: Monday, April 12
LAN LAN Revolution
ok.. i havent really posted all the long weekend cos i havent really been home. i left work on thrusday and went to have a quick dinner with jel. although it seems everytime i see her nowadays she just ends up shopping the whole time... anyhoo.. i went straight to cecil's "my parents are away" party in marsfield.. it was pretty suck.. probly cos i couldnt remember who anyone was.. i hardly seen cecil for 2 years.. i totally cant remember who any of her friends are =p

that nite i stayed over at nige's place .. intending to get up early the enxt day and buy a new puter. but the store was closed.... and so was every other store in sydney pretty much... ppl started turning up for the LAN.. and we totally had no food at all.. we all ate weetbix and rice bubbles all day. which isnt all that unusual for me =p the rest of the day was mostly playing UT2k4.. and watching lots of the Frasier marathon..

once more i got up early hoping to go buy a new puter in the morning... and we managed to find the store open =).. but there was some stupid thing where the store had all their stock at their old shop .. and so i couldnt get exactly what i wanted without having to wait for hours on end, and frankly i couldnt be bothered... unfortunately, my brother could be bothered.. so we waited for ages for his puter parts. *sigh*.. i ended up getting an athlon64 3000 with a radeon 9600XTG.. not exactly a super computer, but its still light years ahead of my uber-broken puter at home. i bought the cheapest case in the store.. and it was pretty cool it was black and had a handle on top for carrying it to LANs =) .. much more UT2K4 and Frasier for the rest of the day.

sunday was a pretty lazy day.. a bit of gaming... a bit of futurama.. and bit more Frasier.. and some basketball and soccer thrown in for good measure. also i managed to leech a bunch of divx's off ppl =) jsut kinda sat aroudn dazed n stuff for the rest of the day cos none of us had enough sleep.

monday was jsut a wrap up and clean up sorta day with a bit of gaming. also watched the end of Frasier.. and burnt the last of what we wanted to leech... then i had to rush off to play ultimate frisbee.. i was totally tired and had no place going to do any sort of running or jumping of any kind.. i basically felt sick the whole game.. but i did play pretty well =) and we managed to win both games =) that kinda makes up for the two losses we suffered last week. i got home at almsot 11pm.. so tired.. but i wanted to play with my new puter for a bit =p hehe

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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