:: Thursday, April 29
hrm.. cleared a few things off my todo list this week.. uh.. lets see..

join the health fund
return my volleyball shirt
pay my train fine
join the netbank saving account
burn the anime off my HD
play final fantasy tactics
pay my credit card bill
buy some trackies
get my L's yet again
clean the house before my parents return
take over the world...

.. in other news: i was walking past this particularly shiny building (i believe it was the ANZ building) and to my horror i saw in my reflection that i walk with a rather noticable slouch.. actually its more of a lean than a slouch. how come nobody ever told me before? i then attempted to walk upright.. and i found it quite uncomfortable.. ill have to work on my posture.. maybe walk around with a stack of DVDs on my head or something =p

- ian, 2:15 pm ::

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