:: Sunday, April 18
mmkay.. soo tired today.. havent done anything cept sleep and watch tv.. nba playoffs .. and the swannies =)

last nite we went to Together@Home.. it has been a few months since i went clubbing.. and it really showed as my knees kinda gave up after 4 hours or so. theyre rather sore this morning =p going to a free entry nite at Home is jsut asking for trouble.. u get heaps more randoms and try-hards who are in large part filtered out by the $25 cover charge =p at times there were more people jsut walking around carrying beers and looking around than there were ppl actualyl dancing. its heaps suck to be on the dance floor wedged between 2 huge white guys who are dancing the funky chicken and looking around for a single chick to rub up against. needless to say i ended up with a lot of elbows in the face. the music was ok.. the start was heaps house which i dont really like. also the first few DJs were pretty crap. the guy who started at 3 was pretty mad though =) i dunno who it was but one song was a dance mix of song 2 by blur =) hehe.

- ian, 4:00 pm ::

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