:: Saturday, April 17
blog lag...
ok on weekends i do tend to fall a bit behind on my blog action.. which is a good thing.. it means im actually doing things as opposed to jsut sitting at home blogging on a friday nite =) so blogs decrease as my social activity increases .. and blogs increase as my social activity decreases.. .. man i post a lot.. =p

anyways heres the last few days:

:: thursday
started playing social streetball at lunchtimes at wooloomooloo.. it was pretty cool.. cept we played against these school kids and we kinda domiated them pretty hard. also i played heaps crapsticks =p it was fun though .. i believe i shall go again... hopefulyl we'll end up starting a team.

at nite we went to leichardt (i totally cant spell that) ... for dinner for hunt n gabby's bday. we did of course go to an italian restaurant =) it was pretty cool.. i had this salmon linguini.. which was awesome. awfully filling too. it was BYO and Gus and Shelly has this sparkling italian white wine.. which was incredible.. it sorta tasted like lemonade.. but heaps nicer and alcoholic =) khanh also tried to explain to me the difference between a good red and a crap red.. the good red was Jacobs Creek (the official wine supplier of the rugby world cup =) and the crap one was some random cheap wine that Gus bought. and i think i sorta understood the diff. i could definately taste the difference.. the crap one tasted like bad vodka and cordial.. apaprently it tasted "woody" .. but i dun really know what that means =p

.. i got home stupidly late..

:: friday
work = bleh
i bought a dvd burner..

after work i went to the leagues club with some work ppl.. cos i had some time to kill. kinda stayed for a few drinks.. and watched them foolishly squander their monies on pokies or keno. so dumb.. we jsut spent time paying out pointy heads (economists) .. i dun really know why theyre called pointy heads.. but they jsut are =p

next i headed to Julia's bday drinks at the Slip Inn.. i was a bit late.. and a bit tipsy by then =p caught up with a few ppl, mostly girls from uni who i never talked to cos they were too cool for me.. hehe.. other than that i was ok. jsut got more alcohol in me... *staggers*. some of the girls were talking about this guy at the party who liked this other girl at the party.. and they said he was too short for her.. tsk tsk some ppl can be so shallow =p he was actually still taller than her.. but apaprently the guy needs to be at least a head taller to qualify.. man thats bad news for me.. im not a head taller than anyone =p

.. onwards to Pancakes at the rocks with some anime ppl. i dun really hang out with them anymores.. they all kinda grew up and moved on.. which is understandable. it was cool to catch up with some of them anyways.. i guess id forgotten what entertaining people they can be =) they are rather amusing .. so silly. nancy kept going on about she wanted to go on this ghost thing.. where we'd all dress up as ghosts and run around doing trick or treat.. cept not at halloween.. and also somewhere like homeworld.. so theyre like empty houses. bizarre.. but sounds fun in a childish sorta way =) also talked about the same ghost idea.. but like at some cave clan things .. hehe. jeaden paid me $1 to drink this mystery drink.. which turned out to be jsut water and maple syrup.. it was totally disgusting.. made me wanna not eat anything sweet ever again =p sheralyn cut her hair and streaked it red.. it made her look even smaller (if thats possible) but she was trendy as always.. she had these kick boxing shoes on, which she apparently got some store so cheap that it mustve been stolen =p .. mikey had this cool shoulder bag which i want to steal.. he got it for $5.. damn!! i want one =p .. anyhoos.. keeping with tradition, instead of actually doing anything after we jsut wandered from corner to corner being undecided and talking about random things till ppl started slowly dropping off and we jsut went home. needless to say i got home stupidly late.. *sigh*

:: saturday
woke up heaps early for some unknown reason.. i spent a few hours trying for fix my puter which wasnt booting up at the time.. but i dun know crap about computers so i watched some tv instead. later on my brother woke up and fixed it in about 10 mins .. damnit. anyways its all working fine now.

- ian, 6:20 pm ::

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