:: Wednesday, March 17
so anyways at work im currently working on this application with is having performance problems. like 7 minute delays between web pages... so during testing i do a lot of waiting.. during one of of these waits i put my head down and sorta dozed off a bit. so this lady at work (betty) came along and poured a bottle of water over my head =p

after work i went to the ATP to play tennis.. but no one turned up.. and so we played basketball instead =p twas a pretty good training session, lotsa shooting and left handed lay up drills. my free throw shooting is getting pretty good.. but my everything else shooting is getting crap =p

in other news: heres another gem from sheralyn's blog, its this bizarre movement which embraces being single. actually it embraces individuality and not being in a relationship just to avoid loneliness. seems that all around everyone is coupled up.. but thats not really a good reason for me to join in. its not about eternally being single.. its about waiting for someone special.. but no a soulmate who completes u, its more about finding one who compliments u.. who u can enjoy being individuals with. the idea is that while ur not ina relationship, then thats ok.. and u dont have to feel lonely. kinda hard to explain, but well worth a read if u have the time to spare. lately more than a few ppl have asked me how come i havent got a new gf yet.. and i guess this partially explains my thoughts on the subject... also girls are trouble! =p

- ian, 10:51 pm ::

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