:: Thursday, March 25
with more intensity
today was so tense at work.. we had to try and fix this uber obscure error.. it only occurred when u create a user without setting their password and then u later on set their password.. then when the user first tries to login if they change their own password then afterwards it hangs.. but if they close their browser and login again it works fine. and all of this only on the eBanking application and only for internet explorer users inside the RBA.

man... that was a tricky one the track down.. we drew up a massive test plan and narrowed it down one part at a time.. and in the end it wasnt our problem it was in another application which we dont control =p gah!

.. meh..
anyhoos we went suit shopping after work.. but didnt really get anywhere.. we may as well have not gone =p twas all pretty futile trying to find a bargain among $1200 suits =p just kinda wandered around for a bit.. then went to play DDR. i kinda sucked a lot.. but its a good workout =) hehe. jenelle rang to meet up.. but i only saw her for a coupla minutes.. cos she had to rush off and study.. also we were still kinda playing DDR.. i really should catch up with her sometime.. its been a while.

anyways the 2nd last trian home got cancelled.. bleh.. what do u expect on free train day? =p so anyways i had to go change trains at central. gah.. but some girl came up to ask me where she had to go to get to eastwood.. which is on my line. so i showed her.. at first i thought it was a pickup line.. but it wasnt.. which is a pity cos she was soo hot! she was a student from china.. and her english wasnt that flash so she just talks to ppl on the train to practice her english. dang.. hehe. she did provide some interesting conversation on the ride home though. it was kinda like talking to ppl in japan.. cosshe had this electronic english-chinese dictionary kinda like naoko had.. hehe pretty funny. um.. her name was Grace and she is 27 and has been in australia for 1 year and wants to study accounting at Mac Uni.. but failed the elssa test last sem. she was working at a clothes shop at town hall.. but she quit today. she studied administration (how is that a degree?) at some uni in china. then she worked at some consulate place.. then an IT magazine and then at Sun Microsystems.. then came to australia to get away from china. thats all i can remember =p

- ian, 11:46 pm ::

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