we are the champions!!
... ahh the sweet taste of victory! for the first time ever.. i was on the winning team of a grand final! .. after years of second placing in volleyball and handball.. and last places in aussie rules and basketball.. my first season of ultimate frisbee yields a premiership!! woohoo!! *dances around*
i played ok.. scored twice.. make one massive fingertip diving catch.. and a few good defensive plays. wasnt my best game.. but we did beat an undefeated team! so go to the UTS SummerFruits (thats our team). we were rewarded with pizza and beers and softdrinks and such afterwards.. although it wasnt exactly a party party.. it was still cool. i stayed to watch parts of the division 1 grand final, and it was pretty crazy.. those guys are soo good! like jsut throwing skill and knowing how to get open and not lose the disc.. ahh i can only dream...
i got a lift home from andrea.. which was cool, cos the train ride at nite is a killer.. she kinda lives my way, so its not too far and so i didnt feel too bad about it. =p