:: Saturday, March 27
do do do..
went to michelle's quitting her job outing =) im so jealous.. but at the same time not. if i could leave my job for a while and then come back later on.. i would leave tommolo. but since i cant do that im not sure im ready to leave jsut yet. i shoudl at least clock a few more hours before going out on a limb by myself.

it was pretty fun, other than the drunkeness.. getting trashed is soo last week. anyways we hung around the slip inn for lil while so everyone could get full of alcohol.. then headed to this korean bbq place which was a tad on the dubious side. the upstairs area had the look of a "gentleman's" club.. =p

meh.. afterwards we went to play DDR.. then went home.. needless to say it was uber late.

in other news: you know just because i do foolish things, that doesnt mean im stupid. but i dont understand people.. i really should stop thinking that i do.. cos they dont make any sense to me at all.. i guess i need to stop assuming stuff.. cant assume anything. maybe i should be treating people day by day... like i do at work.. jsut cos something is working today doesnt mean itll be working tommolo.. =( but in the same way, if its broken today, it might be working tommolo =)

- ian, 11:02 am ::

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