:: Tuesday, March 16
ok last nite i was too angsty to do anything cept have a cry..

so heres a real post about tuesday:

i believe that the head of security at my work may very well be the pointy haired boss out of dilbert. he is so dumb it hurts my brain sometimes.. he has no idea whats going on, but he is very good at making it look like nothing is ever his fault.. and jsut palming off blame to someone else (the web team for example). grr .. ok we have this admin tool, which i wrote.. but cos he is security admin he wants "control" of the application.. whatever the hell that means. *shrugs* he can have it, i hate it. but if anything ever goes wrong.. they jsut palm it off to us and say its not their problem... grr.. he even took away my admin rights.. cos i apparently dont need them.. which makes it awfulyl hard to fix problems.. or even see what problems are there ... (luckily i left a backdoor super admin in there =).

also i got yelled at by the volleyball coach cos i never paid for the corporate games.. and money was due like 4 weeks ago. (whilst i was in japan btw).. meh. i did go and register though =p i got a nice ugly yellow NSW Corporate games bag..

in other news: nathan at work got his snowboard from america (over ebay) for about half the price it is here. and it shipped in only 2 working days.. omg! and onyl cost him US$55 for psotage.. thats pretty sweet..

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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