:: Sunday, March 28
ah k.. so i got up this morning to go shopping for a suit for hunts wedding. we hiked all the way out to some place where i have no idea where it was =p i dunno it kinda felt like being in japan again when i was trying to catch the train there.. it was pretyt craziness cos of trackwork n stuff.. im such a n00b.

ended up getting a pretty normal suit.. *shrugs* they all kinda look the same to me.. =p there was one awesome suit there.. it was shiny peach colored, and it looked like the sorta suit a guy ina covers jazz band would wear =) hehe

afterwards i headed to meet the anime kids for karaoke.. twas linda and liz's bday lometime around now. i havent seen those kids for ages.. it was cool to catch up n stuff. also met a few of the new ppl.. who i hadnt met before. after karaoke me and bunny kinda piked.. i had to go meet nige .. and bunny was sposed to go out with the guys. we made a brief stop at galaxyworld to play DDR though =) hehe. in the end i couldnt meet up with nige.. so i went out with the guys too.. just a few drinks at some local.

i left early cos i had to ge up early .. but wwhen i got home.. i was suprised to find it it was the same time i left.. cos my dad had changed the clocks already =) hehe

:: got up stupidly early to go to Wonderland today..
met up there and everyone else was lateness.. *sigh* i got over it though.. pretty much the wole day i was being reminded why wonderland was closing =p it was sorta fun in a nostalgic sorta way.. but it pretty obvious why its not doin that well. i guess it was unny cos it was a silly kinda group of ppl. ivan had an american friend from texas there and she totally wasnt impressive by our puny australian sized roller coasters =p hehe ..... also simon spend $18 trying to win this unicorn from this dart game.. hehe.. ended up getting 3 mini frisbees.. a small toy and a lil race car.. before eventually getting the unicron =) meh.. thats about it.

- ian, 11:08 pm ::

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