:: Wednesday, March 3
its just another day for you and me..
there was a Reserve Bank Board meeting yesterday.. so i had to get up early today to be at work in time for a possible media release (i.e. a rate rise or cut). but there was no change.. so i got up early for nothing =p

today was mostly me trying to fix crap which id broken yesterday at work.. which turned out to be some really obscure bug in this API we'd bought.. gah! but it all works out in the end =) i had lunch with lisa today.. to catch up and to get my new Gameboy Advance SP from her =) i asked her to buy it in HK.. cos i was under the impression that HK had the same power supply as Australia.. but for some reason it had a jap plug =p grr.. luckily my brother has an SP.. so im using his charger till i buy one. maybe a solar one or a wind up one =)

.. after work i had dinner with Ling to catch up on stuff... and bitch.. *ahem*.. i mean talk about the world. =p actually she mentioned she didnt like a particular person.. then i went for the next few hours about all the ppl who've jerked me around in the past 23 and a bit years =p we ate at the food court at china town.. then had pearl tea.

anyhoos whilst walking her to her class, we bumped into Ling (the other ling) hehe so i had some1 to walk to the train stn with =) hehe. at Oportos on the way to the station, i spotted lisa(the same one i lunched with earlier) with her brother hehe.. Then.. at the station, i bumped into Phil (the tall BIT frisbee one) .. so i had some1 to catch the train with =) hehe.. he'd just started work across the street from me the week i left for japan. so we caught up and stuff.. he mentioned he thought my blog was easy to read (or words to that effect) hehe.. i like hearing stuff like that =) i think my writing has improved from writing more, i have noticed that my words are becoming more coherant.. although my spelling is still rather appalling =p i think blogging more makes me think about my words more, so i develop better writing style and structure.. what do u think? =p

.. lastly.. when phil got off the train at eastwood, i went to sit down and bumped into Louis (the ex pres of the Usyd anime club) hehe.. i was on a bit of a roll today for bumping into people =) so we caught up n stuff.. he had started his own company for event organisation or something.. i have no idea really =p .. but that got me as far as beecroft.. so Mario and Luigi had to keep me company for the last leg of my journey =) hehe. this game rocks btw.. i might go play now actually.. . nite!

- ian, 11:51 pm ::

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