:: Sunday, March 7
icchan is placed on the injured list
this weekend started with an early morning movie at burwood. we went to see Big Fish, which id been dying to see for ages. it wasnt awesome.. but i still thoroughly enjoyed it. some of the ways they portrayed his outlook lon life was really nice. its probly not gonna be my fav movie of all time, but its definately on the re-watchable list. =) i highly recommend.

next was my sister's engagement party.. and a pretty exhausting one for ian. had to get there early to set up and stay late to pack up.. but it was fun.. jsut wasnt as fun the next morning when i had to wake up at 7 to go play basketball =p i had a chance to catch up with some ppl who i havent seen in a while, mostly credo ppl.. but a few other miscellaneous peoples from around as well. there was a lot of "oh, how was your trip?" hehe

a very tired ian got up for basketball at KGV this morning with the pablo crew. it was pouring rain and i turned up a tad early, but the place had some ncie courts. we played for a while but it was uber-humid inside.. and there was some serious sweating going on. i played pretty crapsticks.. i still scored and rebounded and got assists.. but mostly by moving around heaps and cos the defence was pretty average. i didnt really make and plays myself though, no driving layups or any mad double clutches =p jsut played in the flow of the game =)

.. on the last play of the day i completely fsked my right shoulder though.. gah! hunt threw me an alley oop, but it was a bit overthrown.. i managed to gather it in, but put up a bad shot, and when i went to rebound it, some loser took my legs out from under me.. and i landed very heavily on my shoulder and my elbow.. ouchy! i might be on the bench for a while.. *sigh*

also a new icchanolist: Top 10 things i learnt about japan =)

in other news: Sydney is suffocating me!! .. also.. how come no one comments anymore..

- ian, 9:27 pm ::

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