:: Sunday, March 14
curouser and curiouser
twas a relatively busy weekend for me i spose. friday was nothing.. but saturday was a rather nice picnic which michelle organised. due to me needing to leech a ride, i got there relatively early... before anyone really got there. it was still kinda cool to sit around in a parka nd catch up with some people who i havent seen in a while. its really nice to think that i havent seen some of these guys for up to a year and we can still sit down and have stuff to chat about. its like some of these guys i only kinda knew when i did know them, but theyre still friendly after all this time. i think in recent time my life has been riddled with too many short term friends who i hang out with heaps but then lose in the woodwork, and not enough of these guys who i will still be able to sit and chat to every few years even if our lives arent intertwined.

me and zincky had a pretty good talk to Phuong about the ever controversial movie The Passion of Christ. she was saying how it had impacted on her life.. and she was interested in learning more about christianity. which is great i think, i havent seen the movie (and not sure if i will yet) but its obviously doing something good in the world if it can make this sort of change in someone.

.. in reading what i jsut wrote, it doesnt sound that good.. but i know what im talking about its jsut my writing skills arent as good as my thinking skills =p

in other news: i do dwell too much on things ive missed out on and things which i never had. pretty stupid when im so blessed in my life. i guess the grass always looks greener on the other side..

.. anyhoo.. back to the story..
the picnic was pretty cool. we played some good basketball which was fun. betty was a bit of a gun .. she was better than half of the guys =p it was rather warm though.. but it was still fun to play some run and gun basketball =) the food was good and the company was good too. i was gonna teach ppl to play ultimate frisbee but every was too scared to play. they all played ghey soccer, which i doubt ill ever play again. its not even exciting to play.. cos theres too much gap between good players and crap players. especially when all the good players decide its even when theyre all on the same side. at least in basketball, even when u are losing badly, u at least score a few so u can still have a bit of fun. soccer is ok to watch.. but its not really my kinda game to play.. theres too much grey area.

anyways we finished off with some more basketball cos pablo missed out on the early session. it was fun as always.. well for me anyways =p cos i was late, me and chito didnt get a game on the big time court.. so we were on the easy-beats court. it was still heaps fun though cos the guys werent that good, but they played clean and i think they had fun too. my team was a bit unbeatable.. we won 5 games in a row. 5-0, 5-0, 5-2, 5-2, 5-3.. or something like that. i was heaps of a ball hog though... cos there wasnt realy anyone who could play dribble defence. but the guys on my team were good passers rebounders, and ok shooters too. i got one guy by dribbling it between his legs =) hehe.. and i almost did it a few more times.. but i think i over used it =p

next was the DDR action at gus' place which was pretty sweet.. i managed to leech a copy of 3rd mix of Yuki too =) hehe.. i attempted this 200bpm song from Dancing Stage Megamix 2.. and i passedit the first time, with the help of jason.. but then i attempted it 2 more times and failed... leaving my thighs pretty cramped up =p and that was about all the DDR for one night for ian ..

the rest of the night was filled with various attempts at playing UT2k4.. and some Total Annihilation games squeezed in just to mix it up a bit. there was lotsa leeching, but nothing much i was interested in. we all slept a little bit, but i woke up with an uber sore neck. cos i slept on the floor with a very hard cushion for a pillow.. i was also pretty cold.. brrrr..

the next morning was pretty lazy. shelle made pancakes and bacon for every1.. so tasty.. =) and we lounged around and played some games.. and ate some left overs from the picnic.. and talked about games and stuff like that. nothing too intense since we were all pretty beat. nige even stopped by for a bit.. and we reminisced about the old days of total annihilation =)

- ian, 10:08 pm ::

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