:: Wednesday, March 24
CJ from downtown...
went to the first game of the grand final series tonite.. we had nosebleed seats, but in a good area of the stadium so it was still pretty awesome!! the kings dominated.. mostly due to CJ raining nine 3pointers on razorbacks. overall it was pretty sic.. although it was riddled with the usual stupid nbl referees.. man sometimes its like theyre not even watching the same game.

.. *shrugs*...
anyways before the game we met up for drinks at the Forbes.. and $5 steak dinners at the Slip Inn.. mm so tasty.. i met some of julia's frens at the game.. they seemed nice.. anyone who i can talk to about basketball must be at least kinda cool =) hehe

um.. thats pretty much it for the day..
oh i bought a shirt from GBs .. ahem.. i mean Myer.. and it was marked as $39.95.. then crossed off and replaced with $27.95 .. but it was on the 25% off. thats an ok deal.. but when the girl scanned it.. it said $19.95.. and im like "ohh cheaper =)" .... but then she took 25% off that.. and i got it for $14.96 =) although now that i have it, it doesnt look as good as it did on the rack =p

- ian, 11:26 pm ::

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