meow! preparations are slowing being completed. today i went to the city to go shopping with shelly for some thermals.. ive heard its minus 17 degrees at the top of the mtn in niseko (where im going to snowboard). i was intending to go look at all thsoe camping stores.. but i got too lazy and just got them from the third store i went to =p we went and hung around darling hoarbour for a bit and went to this travel show which jsut happened to be on at the time. i grabbed a bunch of brochures for my sister for her honeymoon =)
jsut kinda loitered around for a while, then went back to the tan residence to watch some american idol (meh.. why not?) it was pretty funny.. some of the people who got on were pretty terrible, like i dunno what they were thinking. it was pretty emabrassing.. i was better than some of them.. and i know im terrible =p anyhoos i hung around jsut short enough to miss the earring making session.. hehe =p