:: Friday, January 16
thou shalt not steal
meh.. anyways.. my bag got stolen last nite.. a smash n grab out of the back of david tang's car. grr.. damn material possessions.. at first it was like "fsk!!" but then i was like "meh, its jsut stuff" .. but when u do the math its a fair bit..

bag: ~$50
shirt: ~$50
suit pants: ~$80
belt: $40
shoes: $120
GBA: $130
warioware: $70
jacket: $70

thats ~$610 worth of stuff.. omg! i never even realised i was carrying that much stuff around.. else id be a lot more careful with my stuff. oh well.. tis just money i spose. *shrugs* bleh.. my good luck streak continues... =p

afterwards we headed to the police station, and filed a report.. left redfern at close to midnite.. jel called me whilst i was ont he train to make sure i was ok, which was sweet, a pretty long call too twas like the most ive spoken to her all year. we really need to catch up sometime... i got home at approx.. uh... "stupidly late for someone who wakes up at 6:30 for work" =p man i seriously need some sleep... my neck is in bad shape from attempting to sleep on the train.

.... anyhoos back to what i did yesterday:
work work.. twas all pretty bleh.. i was meant to go buy bday pressies for the twins.. i had this great idea for both.. but i went out and the one for jel was sold out.. which kinda ruined my plan.. onto plan b (yet to be devised =p). after work i had to go to flight centre to push back my return flight from japan, cos we had troubles with internal flights getting us back to tokyo from the snow. i bumped into tina at pitt st mall and stopped to chat for a bit.. ive never really talked to her much before, cept for online.. it was kinda cool =)

then onwards to tennis.. yes tennis again from me.. i know its weird. =p my wrists are still struggling at the tennis action, but its getting a bit better. im hitting a lot straighter than i was before, still nothing which resembles accuracy though =p but im jsut glad to get the ball over the net atm. it was so nce to play not int he sun for once though =) liek i managed to play for more than 5 mins without having to stop and lie down and drink a few litres of water =p

.. next we went to eat at this thai place.. (where the stealage action occured) the food was ok.. the place was quite nice too. they had background music which resembled the soundtrack from the last time i went to karaoke.. lotsa sketchy remakes of 1980s ballads n stuff =)

- ian, 9:59 am ::

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