:: Tuesday, January 13
this blog is brought to you in part by all the suckers who still believe in love. this one's for you~
work was crapsticks today.. *sigh* .. then i went and played frisbee.. we played the top team again.. and basically we 0wnz0red them hard. it was quite embarassing, but they are one of my favourite teams to play against, cos theyre really friendly and happy.. even when are are losing badly. i think the final score was 18-6, which is a huge win in frisbee.. especially against this team who had only lost one other game (also against us). i played pretty well.. my throwing was good this week, and i made one quite ludicrous catch int he end zone.. my teamate threw a 20m curving throw about 2 feet off the ground, but overthrew it.. and i had to stop and turn around, run backwards and i caught it past horizontal.. so i ended up landing on my head.... almost knocked myself out. luckily i held onto the disc =)

.. in other news: dont u hate it when u do something really stupid.. and later u think "man that was so dumb.. but at least ive learnt something from this" .. but then a while later.. u do the same thing again.. and think "gah.. im soo stupid! i knew this would happen". im so frustrated at myself.. i could see it coming from a mile away, why didnt i just turn and run? my stupid self had to go and have a closer look... but then i got hit in the face by a bullet train of some kind.. maybe one of those maglev trains they have in japan.. ouch it hurts. oh well thatll teach me... i hope.. although i said that last time..

ive been listening to a lot of Reel Big Fish lately.. and theyve got a lot of nicely angsty lyrics to their songs... but at the same time, ska music is always pretty cheery.. even if it is talking about how life sucks n stuff =p its quite uplifting.

- ian, 9:43 am ::

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