:: Sunday, January 11
so yesterday
meh.. i dont really have time to update my blog on weekends.. im trying to stay occupied so i dont think about the cruel world around me. been trying to do things most hours of the day so im not often sitting around dwelling. i figure stuff happens, ill get jerked around.. but sitting around feeling sorry for myself isnt gonna make it any better.

anyways.. heres what i did...

went home.. =p
then went out again.. to this angels and light thing at Olympic park.. i was stupid enough to rush off and catch the train.. then later found out that Jo drove. damnit! =p basically we sat around on a rug for a lil while waiting for this thing to start. lotsa people were there, so inevitably i bumped into a few ppl i knew and chatted a bit. turns out the spot we had been waiting in all afternoon was a really sucky spot. and we couldnt really see anything. but it was kinda cool (what i saw of it) a bit overrated though id say.. it like giant balloons and guys on highwires flying about.

afterwards we stood around for a while being undecided about what to do next.. then we stood around some more.. and thought about it more.. and no one really knew what they wanted to do.. in the end gelatissimo at burwood was the go.. hardly something to get excited about, but how can i say no to any sort of iced confectionary =)

i caught one of the last trains home.. bleh

woke up earlier than i wouldve liked to and felt a bit dazed... kinda stumbled around for a while, then settled on watching basketball for a few hours. then i thought id better get my passport and my visa ready for my big trip.. to chito's house.. man its a fair hike from thornleigh.... we sat aroudna round and ate authentic sushi which his mum made.. and swam in the warm murky green waters of Chito Lake..

it was all very lazy.. i wouldve liked to have slept a bit more =p but we had to head to the Reel Big Fish gig.. which supposedly started at 7pm.. we ended up being quite late.. and getting there at 8... but when we got in, we found out that the first opening act didnt even start till 9:15, Area 7 wasnt on till 10:15.. and Reel Big Fish wasnt on till 11:30!! man thats a lot of standing up!

we decided to go out and grab a bite before the show.. so we werent stuck in that sweaty, smoky sticky bar area for 5 hours straight. gus n shelly decided to go see a movie since RBF werent on for another 3 hours =p but i stayed for Area 7.. and it was so worth it, they rox0red my sox0rs.. they were heaps better than last time i say them. they were maybe even better than RBF.. who were good.. but not as good as the last time i saw them. probly cos last time was a planned tour, but this time they were just stopping by after the falls festival, and thoguht theyd play a gig =p im so glad they did =)

i am uber-sore from the skank hole/mosh pit.. my ankles are bruised.. my toes are mushed.. and i copped a rather hefty elbow to the jaw, which still hurts.. but it was such fun i dont really care that i cant chew anymore =p went home with a tshirt soaked in some stranger's sweat and beers.. caught the last train home and walked home pretty damn freezing.. but it was all worth it =)

woke up too early again.. felt like jsut sleeping.. but alas i had to get up to go computer shopping.... but ended up buyign nothing really =p the north rocks markets are heaps less good than they used to be. we just walked around for a while then shrugged our shoulders then my dad n brother went home.. and i went off with tenny and others to parra. jsut kinda hung out for a while in westfields.. and i came away with a busted caseless copy of Dead or Alive 2 for $15.. =p

after much loitering about the place, we headed off to play tennis.. man i still sux0rs heaps! can some1 please teach me to play *flicks wrist, sending ball into the next court* .. grrr!! stupid racquet.. my retarded arms can only play squash! *sigh*.. oh the trails of a hopeful tennis star.. =p

thats pretty much it for the weekend.. im soo tired now.. *falls asleep at keyboard*

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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