:: Sunday, January 18
seems weekends i dont get to post that much.. but i find it uber confoosing when i dont post on the day that things happened.. so im gonna continue to backdate stuff after this post... meh =p atm im eating cereal after not sleeping much.. and getting home at 5am from the twins' bday thing.. *falls alseep*

anyhoo.. back to whats going on...

:: friday
work was bleh.. as always.. i did have the pleasure of jenny's company for lunch though, which is always a nice thing =) we seems to have the same converation all the time though: hi, hows things? hows work? .. how come you havent got a gf yet? =p still its always fun.. she mentioned that id never get a gf if i dont have a driver license (its on my todo list ok!) .. *sigh* am i destined to be that single guy that everyone knows one of? i guess im not trying very hard not to be =p i just dont need that kinda of hassle atm.

at nite was the Jars of Clay concert.. at the incredibly huge Hillsong church out in the hills. and boy was it big.. its like as big as the entertainment centre without the top tier.. omg! the concert was good too.. even though i havent heard any of their new songs in the last 5 years or so =p the opening act was Roma Waterman, of whom id heard a song or two.. so that was cool too. afterwards iw as trying to buy a tshirt.. but they only had L and XL left.. grr im never either of those. kinda moped around feeling a bit dejected.. but then i realised the display tshirt was a medium.. hehe so i grabbed that one =) a bargain at $20. this concert was basically a perfect setup for my sister to bump into every person she's talked to in the past 20 years. we couldnt walk 2m without her stopping to say hello to someone, which was ok cos a knew a few of them and hadnt seen many of them for a long time. the three Loke girls i always find quite amusing =p we went out to Castle Hill maccas for a bit of a cool down session.. almost amde me feel like a westie.. =p

nige stopped over jsut cos he was bored.. and so we went off shopping for a bit.. we went to Hornsby.. then Chatswood.. then the city.. =p i was trying to find something but i couldnt find it anywhere.. grr.. in the end i found it at MarketCity of all places.. oh well.. anyways i had to rush home, then back to the city for michelle and jenelle's bday thing at darling harbour. i made it there and back in record time.. i had to write their cards whilst on the train, so they were uber-messy n stuff.. but at least i turned up on time =p the party ok-ish.. of the ppl that i knew there i spent most of my time kinda lightbulbed.. then there were of course all those people who i kinda know, but dont really know, and who come up and say "omg! hey ian, long time no see.. hows work?" =p then we talk about where things are at for a while.. then i decide i need to go get a drink. =p i talked to a few new people.. but i cant really remember what their names were or anything i said to them.. man im sucha phoney. the end of the party was a tad boring cos every1 sorta left n stuff.. i probly shouldve but after i missed the last train, i figured i may as well stay till the end. i felt i owed it to them.. although i didnt really get a chance to talk to either of them in that time =p but that happens at bday parties, im sure i did the same at mine. meh.. i had to stand up on the nite ride.. gah.. got home at 4:30-ish..

- ian, 1:29 pm ::

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