:: Wednesday, January 7
the path of least resistance
i was watching this interview on jay leno of this guy (i forget his name) but he is a presidential candidate. and this guy went to college and studied arts (or some crap) then.. didnt know what to do .. so he worked in his family business (stock broking) for 2 years.. then decided to go back to college and complete a medical degree.. then he practiced medicine for 10 years.. and somehow ended up becoming governor.

i think its great how he kinda changed so much.. he mentioned that stockbroking was the path of least resistance.. and i think that for a lot of people (including myself) that is too often to path taken. sometimes its easier for us to just stick to what we know and we miss opportunities for something more... but maybe i just hate the feeling im gonna be stuck in the same town in the same job forever.

it was always the easy option for me to go do computing.. and then this RBA job kinda just fell in my lap.. and ive jsut been too scared to leave. lately ive been feeling i dont really belong there. but the big question is, am i brave enough to seive the day.. go out on a limb, take a chance? i dont know the answer yet.. not today though.. but maybe tommolo ill get around to it =p

maybe ill become a doctor too.. when i was a kid, i always wanted to be either a doctor.. or a pilot.

.. the other day hunt mentioned that just i always seem to think moving away will solve all my problems doesnt mean that it will. which is true.. but sometimes its worth taking a chance.. risking it all to see if the grass is really greener on the other side.

*shrugs* ill most likely be too scared to make a leap into the unknown.. to take the road less travelled.. but at least im thinking about it. maybe a fresh start is what i need.

.. in other news: man there were a lot of cliches in this post =p

- ian, 11:27 pm ::

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