burn baby burn
once again.. couldnt get a date on a fdriday nite.. so i just stayed home and played final fantasy. meh..
anyways.. at about 1am.. julia sms'd me and is like "wanna go to the beach? leaving early tommolo morning" (or words to that effect).. and at 1am i dont like the sounds of early =p but i ended up waking up and getting up in time to make it (well maybe a bit late =p).it was me, julia and a friend of hers named jenny (from school i think).. it was such a nice day at the beach.. we went to Avalon (thats north, since no one seems to know), it was quite quiet.. but nice weather.. and a nice and calm but not still ocean. just kinda lay down and slept most of the day.. i re-applied sunscreen.. but i still ended up getting burnt (grr).
after we intended to go play tennis at julia's work (australian technology park) .. but it was too rainy. so we jsut went and had dinner at burwood.. jsut sat n chatted n stuff for a few hours.. and ate a lot.. mm.. it was so tasty.. then went home after briefly considering a movie.
also.. i broke her window.. ack (not smashed, i jsut broke the wind-up thing)