:: Monday, January 5
ok.. i havent posted for a bit.. ive just been heaps lethargic cos of the heat n humidity.. been doing a lot of lying down n stuff lately. =p

anyhoos.. sunday i didnt really do anything cept go play tennis with tenny and the other kids. if u didnt know, i cant play tennis.. i suck at it a lot, i like to think its cos i played squash for years and racquet action is all different (mostly wrist, hardly any arm), but i think the truth is that im jsut unco. i just kinda wait too long for the ball, probly from playing cricket. meh it was still kinda fun, but the weather was kinda energy sapping.

kallie n dave are back from HK, and they came bearing gifts of teh Gameboy Advance type =) hehe. Warioware Inc, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Super Mario Bros 3. havent really played them much, but Wario is uber-addictive, its jsut a big bunch of games which take 3 seconds to play each =p so simple.. but i just cant stop.... argh! hehe

.. just another manic monday...
work was teh ghey today.. bleh.. it seems to be like that everyday now. =(
anyhoo, frisbee is back on and we played this uber-ghey team who beat us last time, but are all like cheaters. lucky it was hot, and they were tired. one guy threatened to clobber me.. well i was face guarding him, and i dont think he appreciated that very much =p .. i shoudlve done an off the hezay =p

in other news: the angst-o-meter has dropped a bit i think, mostly due to increased apathy rather than a decrease in suckiness. bleh.. im so over trying to try. im a bit in a que sera sera kinda mood, yeh stuff happens.. why should i care? no reason.. *gets on with his life*

- ian, 11:59 pm ::

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