friday.. later on: we run to line up fer Matrix: Reloaded.. we got on the end of a huge line.. and we were at the bottom of some firestairs.. where it was incredibly stuffy and rather warm as well. just kinda stood and suffer heat stroke for half an hour or so.. *pulls collar*
neways.. every1 hated the movie cept me =p
although i did find it very easy to pay out the movie.. with some seriously nerdy compsci jokes about how the matrix would work as an OO model =p
i didnt think it was that bad.. i can kinda see where theyre goin with it.. ill make a final decision after seeing the 3rd movie... cos i can see that either making or breaking this trilogy.
*spoilers below.. sorta*
top 5 things i didnt like about reloaded..
5) it sorta makes the 1st movie invalid.. or makes it less monumental
4) music .. well it was just bad choice of sbg music and timing..
3) the cgi models were overused for neo.. sometimes it looked like matrix the game.. like sketchy models..
2) it wasnt a stand alone movie.. like if i hadnt seen the first one.. i coudlnt watch this and enjoy it.
1) zion.. just all of what happened in zion =p