i am the very model of a modern major general
went out to Windsor tonite to see Mikey's version of Pirates of Penzance. It was a small high school production, but still good =) mikey was heaps good in it. him and the girl who played Ruth, were easily the best. the other guys were good at acting, but didnt sing as well.
eep Windsor is a hike out of town =p took us ages to get there since we went thru Penrith... i got a ride from kath in the gossipy girl car =p it was like a road trip.. even though i think we technically never left Sydney.. hehe. like we had to stop and get supplies. was all good fun though =)
we had dinner at this lil quiet pizza place in Windsor.. and bunny had a cokke, which kinda made her hyper.. and she felt inclined to repeatedly punch my arm till they were both rather sore.. ouchies =p
we hung out for a bit afterwards in hhe maccas carpark at Richmond.. cos its the happening place to be =p and a bunch of white ppl were giving us the "omg asian ppl in our town" look =p hehe
in other news.. i finally got my megatokyo blanket off bunny =) its soo big and warm =) mm .. ill post up a pic next webcam update..