:: Saturday, April 19
i had a long chat with cecil today.. havent seen her in like forever.. anyways we were talking about buddhism.. as she is a devoted buddhist and id questiosn about it.

she was explaining how buddhism works.. and basically theres this cycle where ppl die and are reincarnated..what u get reincarnated as depends on ur karma..so if u have bad karma (i.e.) ur a bad person. then u get downgraded to like a pig.. but when the pig dies.. u get some or all bad karma taken away.. so u can get put back up to a monkey.. and so on, until u become a human again.. and can remake decisions about good and evil.

the aim is to reach enlightenment.. and break out of this cycle and reach nirvana.

also.. there is more than one heaven..
when u die, if you have good karma.. but have not reached enlightenment, then u earnt a stay in one fo the many heavens.. and u stay there until uve used up all ur good karma.. afterwhich u get reincarnated as another human.. and the cycle continues..

the Christian heaven is one of these heavens.. and supposedly the Christian God is an arrogant God who thinks he created all.. when Buddhists do in fact believe in the Big Bang theory.

also i didnt know, that Buddha isnt a God at all.. he is a guy.. i forget his real name, but he was a teacher not a God..wah lao.. the things u learn.. id be interested in hearing more about things.. if i ever get a chance to talk to her again..

she also does volunteer work at Ashfield helping homeless ppl.. something i might be keen to help with =)

- ian, 1:26 am ::

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