karaoke marathon
last nite went to karaoke for the second time in 4 days.. and almost went twice in one day. =p
we went to Top One music studio.. note it doesnt say karaoke in the title, which is probably why its always empty dispite it being probably the cleanest K joint in sydney. We walked in at 7:55 but the fool at the desk wrote down 8:55.. and gave us 2 hours starting at 8:55, so we in fact got 3 hours for the price of 2 =)
for some reason bunny decided that some songs needed actions.. and they were like making up actions for various songs such as "its a small word" .. *roffles*
//edit: something else strange.. the urinals at this place were all full of ice ???
but apparently they were full of ice cos the flushes were broken and the ice melts and performs a flush-like action =p