:: Tuesday, September 9
lets panicking
zomg.. i had my first mini freak out tonight.. it was pretty scary, but i guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. i was watching the season 2 finale of Spaced.. and it was one of those sad but happy episodes where it mostly works out except for one thing where everyone jsut has to accept it and realise what they have actually makes them happy.
i pretty much jsut became emo again for a couple of hours, so it only felt right to write in my diary about how much my life sucks i am.. even if it is an e-diary. since im here i may was well vent a bit about how socially awkward i am.. over the past few years ive tried really hard to remove terrible in your face jokes from my daily dialogue.. the problem is that there isnt much left. i just dont know how to talk to people about things which arent computer games or ultimate frisbee! hooray for being the biggest nerd english speaking nerd in all of Fukushima-ken.
But its not all bad.. the people are pretty awesome, so we like hang out and stuff and its fun.. but i figure one day we're gonna run out of "omg ull never guess what my JTE did today" conversations and then what the hell am i gonna do?
I guess this all sorta explains why i know so many people.. i dont "know" that many people.. if you get what i mean. and i end up travelling to the other side of the world to see if it was just the town and not me.. hrm. *mini freakout* gahhh!!

the grass still seems a bit greener on this side.. but it looks like it actually was me and not the grass that was the problem.. *sigh*

in other news: in japan ull oft be asked what your blood type is (it like represents your personality sorta like starsigns in Australia).. and my blood type is B Positive.. which im trying to also make my life motto.. but its not always so easy..

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- ian, 11:39 pm :: 1 comments

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