:: Monday, April 28
this could all go so wrong, but we're just so happy...
most of the last couple of weeks ive been house sitting in north parra. i didnt achieve much except for unlocking lots of recipes in cooking mamma.. and sucking badly at guitar hero iii. it was however much closer to the office timewise. distance wise its almost the same, but its only like 3 roads to get there.. and its mostly 90 or 80km/h. this of course led to me sleeping in even loger and leaving the house at 8:50 most days.

ive found that when im living alone im so keen to cook a meal on a weekend.. but on weekdays.. after work.. i just cant be bothered.. and i either end up eating out or eating junk. so im all fat and bloated now.. bleh...

.. on a related note: i apparently have high blood pressure! i went to the local medical centre to get this Certificate of Health filled out for JET. and the doc is like "um.. you're blood pressure is like totally high, if i write this on you're form you might get denied"... hrm.. everything ive read about high blood pressure eitehr says to lose weight or to take drugs to reduce blood pressure.. either particularly appealing options. but returned a few days later and i was diagnosed with White coat syndrome which basically means my blood pressure is high cos doctors make me nervous =p

last weekend i didnt do much. i went to this wine night things held by this guy from work. i dont often go to work social outings, partially cos i dont that many people who go to them and partially cos im not fun at parties. this party was pretty much what i expected.. a few hours of awkward conversations with big shot economists followed by drinking enough wine so i can just lie down till its time to go home.

this past anzac weekend i just sat on my fat ass for 3 days. i played a bit of starcraft (cos its like the only game which works on a macbook air) and i watched some Harvey Birdman eps and some Sarah Connor Chronicles. i made a brief step in the real world to go shopping for a new pair of work shoes.. which ive needed badly for about 2 months. i came away with some pair which seem nice, and i got the last one in store which was half price and in my size (score!)

in other news: my life isnt exciting... if only i could move to japan and start over...

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- ian, 12:19 pm :: 4 comments

:: Monday, April 14
See I'm a young soul in this very strange world
so i've recovered from my illness which turned out to be shingles. which is very strange since no one can remember me ever having chicken pox.. and its a pre-requisite to getting shingles. hrm.. i guess i mustve just had a really really mild case of it. so mild that no one noticed i had it =p

on the weekend i went to hunt and connie's farewell.. which involved a small picnic in the park.. and some fake skateboarding (insert link to facebook). followed up by some laserzone-ing. its been a few years since i last went.. but its totally awesome. i got better each game.. but in the first game i didnt know where any of the bases were which sorta made my score heaps crap. also the first game had these annoying kids who would follow you around after u killed them.. and just constantly shoot at u until their guns turn back on.. grr.

the place also featured DDR for the wait between games =) im heaps rusty so the diagonal ones kinda screwd me.. but its still such a mad game.. ill have to break out the PS2 version again sometime =)

anyhoo the fare was cos they are leaving to travel around the world making a documentary... which is awesome. if only i could quit my job to do something adventurous..

.. speaking of which i got a letter in the mail today which was mostly fluff.. but included this segment "You are now scheduled for a placement in a Contracting Organisation, which is possible in almost all cases." w00t! in "almost all cases" im in.. although im not sure how many "almost all" is =p .. but if you're not doing anything from this July thru till next July, you should come visit me at some undisclosed location in japan which i might be at.. hopefully.

in other news: ur maybe wondering why ive got 3 posts in one day.. its cos i wrote the first 2 and forgot to publish them.. i guess i wasnt paying attention or something =p

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- ian, 3:03 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, April 5
cant get you out of my head..
so im bedridden again.. but for once its not due to some horrible knee injury. its due to a horrible virus which has somehow gotten into my head. thursday was maybe the worst ive ever felt, i had this headache which the most painful thing ive ever felt, cept it happened every 2 mins in the right side of my head.

an overnight stay at my local hospital yielded little but a bunch of blood tests/swab tests/CT scans. i got sent home the next day with a prescription for painkillers and some rather pricey anti-viral meds. i need to take six of these $10 tablets a day for 10 days.. that adds up to crazy expensive =p but worth it if it can stop this terrible pain in my head.. *clutches skull*

.. other than that not much has been happening.. just the usual frisbee.. drinking.. sex and the city marathon...

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- ian, 9:23 pm :: 0 comments

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